Politics: Is america a democracy or Republic?

Here you go...

Republic - elect representatives in office that share your politcal views, and a Code of Law that is the law of the land(US Constitution)


  • constitutional republic

  • The two are not mutually exclusive. A representative democracy can be a republic. A republic can also be a dictatorship. The term republic can also mean a country without a monarch so the UK is a representative democracy but it is not a republic. The US is a representative democracy AND a republic. China is a republic but not a democracy.

    People need to learn to read the entire definition of a word, not just the first one listed, Dictionary.com list under #3, "a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state."

    I am always amazed that there are those that can't understand this.

  • The word democrat or any derivative form of it do not appear anywhere in the constitution. America was clearly established as a republic. Knowledge of, respect for, and adherence to the constitution, however have been eroding for nearly a hundred years. Much of our lives are now controlled by administrative law. We have government agencies that make law, enforce law, deny citizens property and even have their own courts and judges. None of these agencies have any constitutional authority to do that. Secondly, the power of the judiciary overwhelming denies us the rule of law. Judicial activism is rampant and it is getting worse. I enjoin all Americans to read the constitution while it lasts. Our grandchildren may only see it in history books.

  • Both. We are a democratic republic. Our representatives in government are elected by the people.

  • A republic

  • As everyone with a functioning brain knows, many words have more than one sense or meaning.

    ONE of the meanings of 'democracy' is a general one, that ultimately, power resides with the citizens. In that sense, America IS a democracy.

    The fact that it isn't a DIRECT democracy doesn't make the US NOT a democracy in that broader sense.

  • According to my best understanding, it is a Democratic-Republic.

  • both, it is a republic with democratic voting system

    Also the idea of communism was democratic, but the western world just talked bad about it

  • Both republic and representative democracy.

    BTW- republic just means there is no king, that is all.

  • ben franklin was asked this same question when he emerged from the first constitutional convention, an he said,, an i quote,, "it is a republic if you can keep it." however people today forgot how to keep it

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