Disk defragmenter promblem,please help!?
when i go to defragment my c drive i get this meesage "Disk defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on volume C...please run Chkdsk /f." i ran that and it dident do nothing. I always need to defrag and it really needs it now. If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You should always run a scandisk (not the antiquated check disk) program before defragmenting. This is because a defrag utility is moving files but if the files have broken logical links on the drive then you could cause the file to become corrupted or simply disappear. Scandisk searches for, repairs file related issues on the drive and also verifies the sectors files are stored are in good condition for use.
Best way to run Scan Disk.
- Open windows explorer to where you can see your drives listed.
- Right Click on Drive C >> Properties >> Tools tab >> Check Now / error checking
- Once you confirm this option you have to "restart your computer" as a scandisk can not run while windows is running (Vista / 7: Start, Restart for XP: Start, Shutdown, Restart).
- During bootup the scandisk will launch (do not press any key) until it completes.
- Scandisk will reboot the computer again after the scan is done.
Now you can boot the system and go defragment your computer. *Windows does NOT have an efficient defrag utility no matter how you use it. But still, the following applies either way:
-- Best option: Every program / file that is in use will not be defragmented. Therefore you best defrag option is to boot a utility cd and defrag the drive while windows is not running. This will give you absolute Maximum results (skill level is medium for this option if you are not familiar with that technique).
-- Alternate option 1: Boot into safe mode and perform defrag this way. Now, minimal applications are running. Best to unplug from Internet as your antivirus and firewall may be off during a safe-mode boot.
-- Alternate option 2: Boot normally but take time to exit / end every unneeded application, process and stop any unnecessary processes. Do this important step wisely by avoiding any process terminations you are not sure of. In other words, best results comes from least running apps so that more items can be defragged.
Good luck.
Basically, you've scheduled Chkdsk to check your hard drive for errors and it won't let you defrag until the error checking is complete. I suggest that you reboot your PC and let Chkdsk do its job. You will able to defrag after that. You can also check Chkdsk settings by opening it (right-click on your hard drive, go to the tools tab and run "Check disk for errors").
On a side note, I recommend using a third party defragmenter instead of the slow and limited Windows disk defrag. Auslogics Disk Defrag and Defraggler are good tools (links below). Both are free.
do not use windows defragmenter, use a free and more efficient one, like
shutdown and let scandisk run at start up. You picked that option