How do I make a rap album cover?

What could I download for free to design an album cover?


  • Try You can find just about any image you want there. It really comes down to what you want. It's all a bout creativity. Someone here might come up with a really cool site that offers all kinds of rap related images but I don't see how that would help you much. Those images would just be someone else's idea of what rap should be. Your allbum cover should reflect what YOU think, not what someone else thinks. Is this some kind of compliation CD that you burned of your favorite songs or is this an album of music you made yourself? If it is just songs you recorded then go with whatever flashy picture you want. If it is original music then I would start with a picture of yourself and go from there. There are a million graphics packages you could download but, really, with a little time you can actually do most things you want with that dinky little Paint program that's already on your computer. I know that sounds stupid but I've actually done some wild things with that program.

  • one million) Favorite album quilt with photograph of artist as a child. Lil Wayne's Tha Carter III two) Favorite album quilt with photograph of artist taken at night time. Uhh. Not Sure. American Gansta Jay-Z three) Favorite album quilt with cartoonish photograph Graduation- Kanye West four) Favorite album quilt with a gorgeous ladies on it Young Dro Best Thang Smokin five) Favorite album quilt with structures within the history Not Sure Right now. 6) Favorite album quilt with automobile in it Tha Carter II Lil Wayne 7) Favorite album quilt with somewhat black guy who is had his eye shot, being driven via the health facility via 2 different black dudes WTF. Is their even a canopy are like that?

  • To design a picture you go to then type in "Corel Paint Shop Pro X2" it makes really good designs there's a video that shows you how to use it.

  • dam you hard son

    get compy(already have that)

    get a printer

    get internet

    copy paste that sh!t


    and you cut the square shape and there

    you gotch urself a goddam picture to put on yo CD ALBUM

    get with the times brother

  • just take a pic of yourself with a digital camera wearing a hoodie, gold fronts and cross your arms.

  • that is so random. i dunno. use microsoft word or do somtnig more useful

  • thanks everyone for all the answers

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