How much does a REPLICA Stradivarius cost?

I want to go and get a replica Stradivarius, they sound amazing. My student teacher at school has one. Please give me a real price. How much are they??? A replica, not the 3 million dollar real one. Thanks


  • There are Strad copies made in all price ranges, from the $80 factory-made junk to 19th century copies that are quite good and worth six figures. What's significant about your student teacher's violin is that it's a good violin, not that it's a Strad copy. There are plenty of violins made on other patterns that probably sound even better than your student teacher's violin.

    What you're looking for is a good quality violin.

  • The fact that a violin is a replica Strad has NO bearing whatsoever on what it sounds like. In fact, most of the violins made are Strad replicas. You can get one for a hundred bucks... I wouldn't advise it though.

  • $51 right now...

    ... then again, almost every maker of student instruments uses Stradivarius' design cues.

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