dane cook is catholic?

now that you know that dane cook is catholic will you convert?


  • >>now that you know that dane cook is catholic will you convert?<<

    Done -- I converted in 1999.

  • Dane Cook Catholic

  • I don't see what one has to do with the other.

    I don't care if Dane Cook worships swamp rats at midnight in the nude.

    I'm very happy being a Bubastic Pagan, I see no point in converting to some belief just because Dane Cook chose this religion.

    Thinking like this is rather silly and immature in my humble opinion.

  • No, I respect Catholics, but I can laugh at Dane Cook without converting.

  • That's OK, I guess, but who is Dane Cook, and why should I care?

    And, nothing will make or cause me to embrace false religion!

    I worship God through his son, Jesus, not through a mortal named Mary! And Jesus is my High Priest, not a fallible human who is more than likely a pedophile

  • Dane Cook is an egocentric douche in my opinion. His being catholic does not change my view of him.

    Some of his jokes are somewhat funny, but he pales in comparison to the greats. "IE" Carlin, Bruce, Pryor, Murphy, Chappelle... et cetera.

  • I'm not such a Dane Cook fan. I'd rather see a stand-up comedian.

  • Even Dane Cook's awesomeness isn't enough to make me convert.

  • meh.....Dane Cook was okay in the movie Employee of the Month, but as a comedian in general- he just isn't funny

  • He was raised catholic, that does not mean that he is still a devoted catholice. Besides there are plenty of other religions that are not as strict

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