a real american made car wins?

what do all you crybabys think now the only car thats made in america thats in nascar dominates the race guess hms and jr are in trouble now


  • I agree move over New York Yankees, (I mean HMS)

  • We won't know until November. You see, what people seem to misunderstand is that no matter who we get as our next president, only time will tell. I do not support McCain or his policies, but at the same time, whether its him or Obama, we just don't know. None of us can predict the future. Only God knows what the next four years hold. So what we need to be doing as voters is watching carefully. Watch the news, pay attention to the latest reports on both sides of the campaign, and most importantly get out there and make an educated vote. The worst thing to do would be to waste a vote basted on ignorance or un-education...

  • Nascar is the Great American Race it should be run with American machines! I don't care what the nationality of the driver is but since the circuit began so many years ago it was the American Power house automotive builders. So take your Jap Crap cars and start your own Mitsubishi racing league......but quit telling Americans to like a change that should never have been allowed! Enough Said!

    *******Edit******** By the way to all you Toyota lovers.....Dodge won today not Toyota.

  • Thats super. Let me know when they start employing more than 10% of the amount of Americans GM does.

    Toyota employed 29,135 workers in its U.S. product development, manufacturing, and sales and marketing operations. Thats from 2005.

    GM employes almost 44,000 in metro Detroit.

    Thank God we have Toyota employing so many Americans.

  • I dont care if Toyota's are built in the basement of the White House. There still boring, foreign, econobox's owned by Japan.

    Give me a Mexican built, American owned Hemi Charger R/T anyday. Or an '08 Impala SS with a 327.

  • I agree- Buy American- buy a Toyota- Go get 'em tomorrow, Smoke!!

  • toyota a real american car, who cares dale still came in 3th that good for me in trouble now i dont think so all he needs is another violation and he should be kicked out and that goes for the Busch brothers to go jr

  • Tony Stewart and Toyota made me proud! Hopefully they can sweep the weekend.

  • toyota will win the 500.

    withTONY at the wheel

  • The car may be built in America but the bulk of the money still goes to japan!! " Hungary? Out of Work ? Eat your rice burner!!"

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