Catholics, scenario as follows:?
You are an exemplary catholic. You have led the best religious life possible. Unfortunately, you have a horrible disease. It is extremely painful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You and your friends all pray, but nothing happens. You are completely bedridden and can barely move or talk. The doctors estimate you will suffer for the next 8 months before finally dying.
Why would god make it a sin for you to end your life prematurely?
Update:Cammyhorn... you are saying that god would want you to suffer? Is this the same loving god that people talk about? And Job? You give the example of a loving god putting a man through horrible events because he just wanted to "test" him?!? If god knows everything, why test Job? God should have known that Job was faithful in his heart. The whole story doesn't make sense and applied to this scenario, it just makes god look sadistic and cruel.
Update 3:Ghostgirl, but if god created this realm of existence... wouldn't that also make him the cause of things that happen in it (like a person acquiring a disease?)
You have this disease for a reason. God wants to work through you to help other people. Perhaps there's a purpose still for you in this world. Sometimes people who are ill and still show love and tell of God's love and kindness can have the greatest effect on others. That's the way it was for my grandmother who brought more people to believe in God while she was bedridden than she ever did before her brain tumor. God has a wonderful plan for you, even if it's difficult to see through the pain. Remember--it is only temporary, even though it seems forever. I would suggest reading: Psalm 38, and 91, and the story of Job (in the book of Job)
With God, there is always hope. He alone decides when I will die, it isn't up to me.
nagitar, do you even know what you are talking about? Suicide is a sin because it goes against the will of God and his desire for life. Regardless of your financial status.
Believe it or not, there is more begging for money in protestant denominations than there is from the Catholic Church. I was married, baptized, confirmed, had my son baptized, my wife receive the anointing of the sick ALL in the Catholic Church. Not once did anyone ask for a dime, and the money that I did offer was returned.
The story of Job is not a very good example for this question, nor should it be read to think that God was testing Job. Everything that happened to Job was the work of the Devil, but certainly with the permission of God. Not to test Job for the sake of God, but for God to show the Devil that Job has faith in God and nothing that the devil can do would change that.
Read it as a way of seeing for yourself that God will take care of you.
To some extent, we are allowed to suffer. Not because God is cruel or sadistic, but because we make wrong choices (and I am not saying that the person in your question made a wrong choice and is being punished). God gives us suffering so that we may turn our lives back over to him, the way His Son did. By accepting the pain and suffering, and asking that He remove the pain, if it is HIS will, we show that we are willing to pay a price for our salvation, just as Jesus did.
To address your question a little more. . . We are, sometimes, used by God for His glory. The suffering by the person in your story could go a couple of ways. It could be to bring the sufferer back to God, it could be to bring a family member, friend, doctor, nurse back to God, or it could be that because of the suffering, someone 20 or 30 years from now, will come to God.
We simply do not know. I have suffered a lot in my life and have questioned God and wondered why I was suffering, certainly I did nothing wrong. But after some searching for truth and answers, I found that I was doing something wrong, I was questioning God.
Yes, it is sin that crys to heaven: it is against the 5th commandment : YOU SHALL NOT KILL
Euthansia: killing sick or dying person often to end thier sufferring.
A) One may never directly take the life of an innocent human person
In the case of a dying person, one may forego certain medical treatment, eg., a respirator, which only prolong life but does not effect a cure
c) One must give food and water to the terminally ill because food and water are not medicine.
Suicide is a sin no matter how much a person is suffering. God alone chooses when He will take his children home. My grandmother used to say that she'll have trouble getting into the gates of heaven because they're a little rusty. That's signified by our final suffering. It is not uncommon for people to suffer greatly before death. Suicide is not the answer. The Bible teaches us not to kill and we must be strong and live by those teachings.....)(
I don't think it is only Catholics with this warped way of thinking, but fanatic Christians also. Just look at the Terry Schiavo case here in Florida and how Governor Bush tried to take over the state legislature and courts to keep the poor comatose woman alive even though she was in a persisitent vegitative state? She was not alive and not dead, but a zombie, cursed to be in a state of limbo, and the GOVERNOR made a law to keep her on her tubes to stay alive. It does not get much more outrageous than that.
Certainly there would be temptation to end the suffering, but it all boils down to do you want to be in control of your own life, or do you want to give it over to God. Catholics believe God is a better driver.
Jesus decided when he was going to die. He said "It is done, Father into your hands I commend my spirit." And with that, the Bible says Jesus "Gave up the Ghost." When Jesus was praying on the Mount before being turned in by Judas, Jesus prayed to God that he would not have to endure the "cup of poison", and asked God to be taken soon before he changes his mind. So, Jesus knew when he was going to die and did nothing to prevent it, and make no mistake, he could have prevented death. I don't believe it is a sin to take your life when your life is not worth living, and you are ultimately going to die in pain.
First, religion cannot save you. Second. give your heart to Jesus Christ and accept Him as Savior. He is the only way into Heaven. I was Catholic for 27 years. Glad I got saved. The greatest day in my life was when I accepted jEsus as Savior and got out of Religion and into Christianity. Also pray to Jesus and God. End with In Jesus' Name. Also Read the book of John in the Bible and take it ALL to heart. any other questions please feel free to email me. I Will be honored to pray with you and talk.
i personally havent seen or read the part in the bible that clearly states suicide is a sin. if you are sure this is what you want to do, hold fast to the fact that jesus christ is the son of god, and that he is our ONLY gateway to salvation! if i were god i wouldnt want to see you suffer. after all it is not god that permits or promotes pains and suffering. it is only this realm of existance which promotes it.
God is the one who gives life, so it is him who should have the authority to take it back.