do you think this Is paranormal?

My sister recently moved into her aunts house because her aunt moved to FL.

My sister says she hears noises in the basement.

and just now, as im writing this, no one is in the basement, and we heard something drop or someone slamming a cabinet door shut.

anyways, since i was little ive always had weird things happen to me, and this house is very strange.

At 4am the other night i hear what sounded like someone built something and then let it fall down. no one in the house was up. i checked everywhere.

another night i was in the bathroom, and the door started vibrating like crazy, i went out to my sister and asked if she heard it and she said no.

earlier today i was in the bathroom and i thought my sister way in the room across from the bathroom, and it sounded like she came out of the room, and was standing at the door making a "Mmmm, mmmm" noise. kinda humming but it was strange.

Come to find out my sister was in her room. so, i asked my other sister if she was by the bathroom and she said no.

Things like that happen, and its weird. what do you think?


  • These are the things that come to my mind from what you said, what I have ascertain....

    This is about the time of year that the heat is turn on, so you may hear these types of sounds in the basement, bangs, vibrations, and other sounds depending on the furnace if in need of work, banging sounds from pipes in the walls when they heat up.

    This could be residual energy type haunt, with sounds or what looks like a ghost....may just be a imprinted sounds.

    Or your place could be haunted, this may take some time to ascertain, and what type of haunt you have intelligent or non intelligent.

  • Predicting the winner amongst 2 offerings is simply risk and commonly approximately success. Now if there's, say, ten offerings at any time when and also you opt for correct at any time when, that is extra spectacular. "I believe shudders randomly like five or six instances an afternoon as good." Entirely typical and no longer psychic or paranormal. Some persons simply have it occur extra on the whole than others. The indifferent feeling might simply be an extreme deja vu. Once in a even as I'll get a extra extreme sensation of it, like previous, that I dislike. Sometimes adequate to virtually make me believe nauseous. Most I might describe was once that I felt..."haunted"? I dunno. But it is only a typical frame factor. As for the moments of simply randomly realizing whatever with none manner of particularly realizing how you realize... Many persons get that, once more a few greater than others. And nonetheless a few others simply by no means have it occur. Sometimes it sort of feels simply out of nowhere and unexplainable, different instances it is related to an observance you have made that you simply are not conscious of. Sorry to mention even though that it isn't controllable. It's only a random occasion. And alternatively typical truthfully. I've had it from time to time through the years, however no longer up to I used to. As on your sister getting into the room, it is most of the time only a accident. No "vigour" factor, extra like your remark that you simply use to make well guesses was once easily distracted in the event you have been speaking to her.

  • Some of the experiences you have given here could be paranormal and could also not be paranormal since no one living has really seen,found or captured anything named "ghost" with great authenticity. Vibrating doors,slamming doors, noises in basements could mostly be due to the wind pressure and other scientific reasons. In my home, if the front door is shut with a bit of force, the doors of the attached toilet in my bedroom starts to vibrate . It's natural i guess.....again, i'm not completely putting down anything paranormal since no one has been able to convince the whole world with proof that ghosts and spirits don't exist.

    Now for the incident where you heard a "Mmm...." noise . Now this could have been your mind playing tricks on you . When you fix a notion, your brain registers it and whatever happens in that regard your mind will relate it to your fixation. You concluded the house is haunted and don't have a clear answer.........If not that,then it could have been your sister playing tricks on you for fun . Or else, it could have been a real spirit that made the noise . Equal probability to all possibilities. Just don't let it get into your mind....from your said experiences, i don't think it's that bad for you to panic

  • I think that the house is haunted, Maybe going to a priest of whatever religion you follow may help. You just have to be certain that they actually know what they're doing. I dont know about the US but here in Bangladesh there are plenty of people who know how to deal with these things and as I'm a Muslim i do believe in the paranormal and i also know that in all religions there are recitations* which if you say whatever is out there bothering you won't have even a bit of any ability to do you any harm. All and all it just depends on how much you believe. God gives protection to those who seek it.

  • do the house a bit empty with solid wall , etc?

    you may hear echo , sound from the left heard as if it comes from the right, up - down, etc- etc

    happens here all the time, i don't even know where the sound come from

    especially if you share wall with neighbor.

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