Is Grisabella a real name???

It sounds like greasy bear hair! I mean, just imagine running your fingers through greasy bear hair! No offense to anyone who's named this!


  • These days, ANYTHING is a name. Chardonnay? Aquanetta? Yikes!

  • If it is someone's name, then yup. It's a real name.

    Griselda is often the name given to one of Cinderella's stepsisters, so Grisabella isn't too far of a leap.

  • IF a person has a name like this then it is a real name

  • there isn't any set definition of a real name...but sry, im just being technical... grisabella is the ugliest, most disgusting name i've ever heard! and it makes me laugh hysterically. no offense to anyone who named their kid this or who is named this.

    if anybody reading this is thinking of naming their kid this...please, please do not, i beg of u!

  • Never heard this one. Heard of Grizelda though.

  • Well it made me laugh!! (sorry to those who like it)

    I have never heard of it.

  • LOL your having a laugh

  • i dont if its a real name, but it sure is an ugly name

  • people name their children all kinds of stuff these days.

  • UGH....I hope that is NOT real name for anyone. How hideous!!

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