14 days dpo.. no period yet!?

Hello Ladies..

I have been spotting since Friday afteroon (12 dpo); the spotting has always been very light.. it is only on the toliet papaer not even on my underwear..

I'm waiting for my period to come but to be honest I dont feel anything..

I have been taking cycloget 400 mg (progesterone) but last night I have decided not to as I thought my period was coming so.. but

even though I stopped the progesterone last night my temperature this morning was actually higher than ever 37 and still no period. but only a very mild brownish spotting!

So I have decided that if dont get my full period today I will test tomorrow morning..

could be that I'm delay cause I was taking progesterone?

could it be that I dont have any PMS cause I was taking progesterone?

what are the chances that I'm pergnant?


  • Do a test hun - it's the only way to know for sure!!

    I think that taking progesterone affects cycles in different ways for different women. The only way you can know is to test!

  • I don't know anything at all about progesterone, but the spotting could be a good thing. It could be implantation bleeding, which means that you wouldn't get your positive test for 3 or 4 more days. Implantation can take place anywhere from 6-12 dpo, so if you started spotting on 12 dpo, that could be what it is. I would test tomorrow, but if it is still negative, then test again around 18 dpo. Best of luck to you! It sounds very promising. Let us know the results ttc buddy!

  • If you are using progesterone in birth control, you most likely wouldn't have ovulated. Because of the increase on CM when taking birth control containing progestin (progesterone) it fools the body into thinking it's already pregnant and therefore you don't ovulate.

    If you're just taking it as an aid to become pregnant it increases your chances of becoming pregnant as it increases the levels of CM and increases the sperm survival so it is more likely to reach the egg.

    It sounds to me like your spotting, although it is rare, only 20% of women spot during implantation so it could be your period coming.

    You are doing the right thing waiting a few days, if you are pregnant your hormone levels are increasing daily. Remember to test with the first morning urine when you do and good luck

  • If you can get an "early" home pregnancy test, that lets you test up to 5 days sooner than your period is due, get that one. They seem to be very accurate. First Response is a great one. Especially if you use it as soon as you wake up. As for the spotting, that can still mean pregnancy if it's still light or it could be a sign your period may still come. Hopefully not! Good luck and Lots of Baby Dust!!!

  • Had you been back to sleep at least 4 hours before you took that temp? If not it isn't valid. If it comes back up tomorrow there is still hope :) **edit**Then don't give up yet. You need 4 hours for you temp to properly settle again. Discard it or have it marked as possibly a bad temp.

  • I can't give you an exact answer or anything but, you seem as if you are pregnant. Your best bet is to take the test. Good luck!

  • i agree with suze luv do a test see what it says good luck :)

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