I have a Mascara problem?

Whenever I wear mascara, after awhile I end up with black specks from my mascara that have dropped down onto my cheeks. Little black specs from my mascara? How can I stop this it's really unattractive.


  • You are either

    a) wearing too much mascara

    b) wearing really old, dried out mascara (makes it clump easier, which makes it flake when it is dried)

    c) touching your eyelashes inadvertently (rubbing eyes, etc)

    d) combination of all

    All can cause your mascara to flake.

  • As a professional makeup artist I can say it is the brand. I highly recommend the bee luscious brand of mascara's because they do not clump or flake off at all.

  • Do you put a lot of mascara on your bottom lashes?

    That might be part of the problem too... too much mascara will make it do that.

  • mascara should be tossed every month. and... there are just bad mascara's out there... if you continue to have a problem, using other mascara's try a waterproof one... but know that you will have to have a makeup remover to get it off.

  • get a different mascara. the mascara you're using flakes too easily, it might be too old. theres nothing you can really do to stop it

  • get them dyed. this is what i do bc i have the same problem. then just use the clear mascara over that. you will love it bc it lasts several weeks and gets every lash [even the tiny ones] perfectly jet black. and it healthier for them

  • yea that used to happen to me, too.

    just dont touch your eyelashes.

    that usually makes it get specky.

    i suggest using covergirl mascara..i dont care what kind.

    you can pick.

  • get rimmel london it works great [:

    or collosal idk remember who its from or maybe your using wayy to much and what helps is if u curl them.

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