How do YOU be a leader??

how are you a leader in your own way??


  • just be yourself people are either going to follow you or go thier own way

  • A true, a real leader is some one who has the confidence, someone who people look for answers when the going gets tough, to have the same facial expression even tho there in a heat of trouble, to watch over his or her troops under their command. From my expericne being in the Army for 4 years i seen real and fake leaders. The fake leaders you could spot a mile away just by how they react to certain situtiations under the worst conditions. For example a reall leader doesn't seek fame or actknlowdge ment from his or her peers do to the fact that there doing the right thing so people don't notice it. You have to have a heart of a lion in a sense to lead..everyone counts on you to take them under your wing.

  • I am a leader in my own way because I don't really listen to other people, and follow my own rules. Many say I have a problem with authority but that not true, I just don't listen to the advice they give because listening to others can be very confusing & sometimes people have hidden agendas.

  • Easy: I'm a control-freak. I naturally gravitate towards positions of power or take control of a project, or I'll make up a position of leadership.

    What makes me a unique leader is, despite my control-freakish tendencies, I will listen to others and take their opinions into account. I don't mind compromising or listening to others, I just like being the one to make the final decisions. Also, I have a kind of optimism and positive energy that just rubs off on others and motivates them to do well...pessimistic leaders never do well from my experience. That, and I'm a diplomat. I can easily smooth over conflicts and get things done with my charm.

    To stay on topic, I'm a Libra with Gemini/Cancer Rising if you couldn't already tell!

  • You must be honest and have integrity. A great sense of humor helps. Being at ease and being encouraging, positive and informative when speaking to people. Give confident answers, and when you don't know something, don't be afraid to admit it and ask others for help. Always, ALWAYS, thank others, and recognize contributions. Good Luck, Sweeetie!

  • Simple. I listened to people and inslut them to gain power over them so that one day I will take over the world. Muwjajajajjajajajajjajajajajhahahahahhahaha

    Just kidding

  • By doing whats standing up for what i believe in and being able to take charge when no else will take the chance.

  • by thinking.

    For whatever reason, most people when presented a tough question or task wait for someone else to do all that hard thinking... they dont want to damage their delecate brains.

    So I think, and then everyone listens to me.

  • im good at making decisions

    my boss doesnt need to act like im 3 yrs old...

  • sacrificing yourself for your group. putting them first before you. taking charge; making hard choices to benfit the group.

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