Past Misdemeaor, Trip to Canada?

I was charged with simple battery and put on unsupervised parole. My lawyer said I can go out of state, that I just have to stay out of trouble (excluding things like traffic tickets) for the year, then after that year is up I can get the mark removed from my record.

Would this effect a trip to Canada? I've read that some misdemeanors can get you rejected entry or even detained.


  • Felony offenses are an automatic shut out but misdemeanors are judged on their own merits. Yours sounds fairly simple and straightforward - but as you are still on parole, you might not be allowed across an international border.

  • A criminal record is what might create difficulties for you, but you didn't mention a conviction being recorded against you. Was there one? The Canadians won't detain you. The worst that can happen is they won't let you enter the country.

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