does this look like a spam paypal email?

I was trying to sell my iphone on craigslist and a guy from united kingdom contacted me saying he wanted to buy it as a gift for his friend in nigeria. He said he made payment to my paypal but the funds havent showed up and today I got this email from paypal.

does this look legit? Thanks

Dear Jamie

This is PayPal confirmation letter regarding your pending fund. We confirm that your fund of $178.95 USD paid in by Teri Brandon ([email protected]) is safe with us and it can only be released into your account upon providing us the Tracking Number/Reference Number.

We just introduce this new rule on our payment system for Kijiji/Ebay/Craiglist transaction to protect both seller's and the buyer's. Most seller's will receive payment without making any shipment to the buyer while some buyer's will receive item without making any payment to the seller.

If you are not among the fake Kijiji/Ebay/Craiglist seller, we advise you to go and ship the item to the buyer and provide us the Tracking Number/Reference Number for your fund to be credited into your account. As soon as you provide us the Tracking Number/Reference Number your fund will be credited into your account with immediate effect.

This is also part of our New PayPal Anti Fraud Rule for safe transaction on Kijiji/Ebay/Craiglist and PayPal.

Note : Forward the Tracking Number to us and not to the Buyer.

Thank you for using PayPal!

The PayPal Team


Copyright © 1999-2009 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (UK) Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United States as an electronic money institution. PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056. PayPal Email ID PP259


  • Yes it's a typical Nigeiran fake - forward ASAP to [email protected] and DO NOT send the iPhone for any reason

    1 - Paypal NEVER asks for tracking information before crediting money. If you go to and there is no recent transaction, then the money was never sent

    2 - There is NO new Paypal Anti Fraud Rule, it doesn't exist

    3 - The copyright on the bottom of the email is from 2009 - it's expired. Any real Paypal email would have a 2010 copyright

    4 - If you are selling in the US, why is the footnote from Paypal (UK) Limited?

    5 - "We just introduce this new rule on our payment system for Kijiji/Ebay/Craiglist transaction to protect both seller's and the buyer's" - this is not grammatically correct. Do you really think a major company like Paypal is going to send out communication where they don't even know the difference between possessive (buyer's) and plural (buyers)?

    6 - Paypal does NOT allow accounts from Nigeria and warns to NEVER send anywhere but the registered Paypal account address. You would never be told to send to a third party or to Nigeria for any reason

    7 - you will now start getting threatening emails pretending to be from the FBI, EFCC, Police, Law Firm, etc trying to scare you into sending the phone. DO NOT believe any of them - they are all part of the same scam

    Do not have any further communication with this person and block their address. But since they are not getting the phonem, they will sell your name to other scammers to try and get back at you. That's why when selling anything on Craigslist you should always set up a new email specifically for Craigslist. Do not open any emails from people you don't know - they often contain viruses that will infect your computer and hijack your address book

  • Paypal Spam Email

  • Fraud!

    It`s quite simple.

    Someone buys product A for shipping to Nigeria - it`s 100% a scam.

    Check if the mail is really from paypal, or as someone above suggested, send it to [email protected] (and add the headers).

    You could also run it through spamcop ( to see where it was sent from.

    I`ll bet you it wasn`t from paypal.

  • looks like a fake thousands of scams originate in nigeria, forward the e-mail to "[email protected]" and they will let you know

  • its bull crap dont beleiiiiiieve it :( its all liez if it didnt show up then its bullcrap

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