Ripped up linoleum...asbestos?

I ripped up some linoleum flooring in a house that was built in 1980..and installed by 1985... It doesn't come up easy. There is a greyinsh backing like construction paper on the back of the linoleum, amd a white paper like stuck to the floor. Would this contain asbestos? I wore a resporator halfway through the project, using a big metal putty knife on a pole. The linoleum peels up but leaves a white paperish material on the conc. Floor.


  • Testing is the only way to be 100% sure , but to answer you, no none of what your ripping up will contain asbestos. Asbestos in flooring was out lawed in the early 70s and completely gone by 1980.

    And you have a vinyl and not linoleum by the way you describe it.

    Any questions you can e mail me through my avatar. GL

  • i develop into in simple terms about to positioned this up. It unhappy that he misplaced his daughter at 2 years past. it particularly is a pain I on no account want to visualize or sense. i'm hoping he's at peace along with her at the distinctive aspect.. RIP

  • You have to take some of the material to a local lab for testing (vinyl/paper/glue). Testing is the ONLY way to know. Date and appearance can not give you an answer. At that age it is not likely, but you have to test.

  • They sell test kits at most hardware stores and online as well- if you're worried pick up a kit and do a test. That way you'll know for sure one way or the other and can do the right thing moving forward.

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