is yahoo uk email services down?

one of the pople that i work with could get his emails but i could not i think he was not


  • the whole of yahoo europe is down

  • Someone just told me that they used to use something called a pen to write on paper in the bad old days before we had e-mail ... maybe Yahoo want us all to go retro over the weekend! Seriously from other messages posted it appears a Server or some such went down and various parts of the email system stopped working .... we're still out of it on the Isle of Man here in dear old land. It would appear that bits of the network are gradually being reactivated - so there's hope for us all!!!

  • The service will go down on the 27th of July because of Spam, some of the Yahoo accounts have been deleted by that contains Spam.

  • If you read this you should know what to expect from free yahoo nowaday.

    These ppl in yahoo are all robots or monkies smaching their head on keyboad and click send reply., all they know is to kick football back to you and ignore issue.;_y...

    This man explain over and over to yahoo uk for the same issue for 9 times over 2 months and all he's getting is the same rubbish answer, cut and paste job by robot and they have no intension to solve any problem, the weird things is those robot were getting paid and do notting and get away from it.


  • i've just set up an e-mail account with another company, as relying on Yahoo only was a big mistake!!!

    I think out of courtesy they should have made an announcement on their home page , instead of this wall of silence. Its NOT the way to make friends!!!!!

  • Having trouble with the uk site also. Anyone got an envelope and a couple of stamps?

    How long its been since I've written a letter. My handwriting's crap. Please start working Yahoo! Don't humiliate me like this.

  • Yep, it's down. I have therefore brought my carrier pigeon out of retirement. Oh, and I've joined two tins up with a piece of string for local messages.

  • Information was just sent to me that is only europe and should be working in the next 30min xx fingers

  • yeah yahoo is down, but a lot of people seem to think it will be up and running tomorrow.well hope so

  • why is your yahoo mail down?

    im guessing its suffering from depression weall feel down from time to time, its ok were only human, give it some prozac, hope your pc is feeling better soon.


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