Why doesnt alberta Separate from canada?

Why doesnt alberta seperate from canada?

it would be great because alberta sends 1 trillion plus dollars a year to ottawa and doesnt recieve much of the money back from Ottawa

Quebec doesnt really do anything for alberta or for the rest of canada i would be happy if montreal Separated from canada their just loan Goat of canada

Alberta would be better off alone as we make trillions of dollars compared to the rest of canada that takes 1 trillion plus dollars of ours for themselves while Alberta could substain itself with almost all north americas resources they can stand alone & become their own country without problems

The rest canada doesnt do much except vancouver,british columbia/nova scotia,newfoundland

my guess is canada would become like united states need to print money it doesnt have or borrow money from everyone or maybe rise debt ceiling to keep itself running if alberta seperated but thats my guess


it would be huge news in the media since alberta's biggest cities are edmonton & calgary and the rest of place is very small but has lots of wealth compared to the rest of canada

You could say alberta powers Canada in wealth,resources


  • Good luck signing any pipeline deals through BC then.

    What does Alberta plan to do once the oil runs out? Relying on one industry didn't work out well for Ontario. We use to send a significant amount of money to other provinces years ago, thanks to a once strong manufacturing economy.

    Personally I'd have no problem if Alberta wants to separate. It's not like it use to be anyways...especially the people.

  • Problem is, Alberta doesn't have a seaport. How would it import anything if it had to bring it in through a separate country (which is what BC would be). The cost of everything would jump enormously because Canada would impose protective tariffs against Alberta.

  • I'm RCAF from Montreal, so I know a few things about secession. It would be a really stupid thing to do. So far, all the others responding to your silly question are correct.

    I'll add a few more:

    Say bye-bye to the RCMP, but maybe you could rent them. You would lose CAF bases. Both Banff and Jasper national parks would have to become part of BC since they do not belong to Ontario but to the nation.

    You would have to apply for various visas to enter Canada, whether to visit for long, go to university, etc. Your phone rates for out-of-country would go way up. I'm not sure what it would mean for your hockey teams, but you don't want to screw with that.

    People with criminal records could not even visit Canada, which pretty much means anybody who lives in Calgary (Kidding. I couldn't help myself!)

    If you think Mr. Harper would help you, then you really are nuts. Besides, I really like Alberta the way it is! Please hang in there with us.

  • I just spent many years living in Alberta and, truth be told, I was pretty happy to leave and if they wanted to go...go.

  • My guess is Alberta would find itself absorbed by the US. Why would it seperate?

  • It's not a trillion dollars. The amount that it really is wouldn't be enough to pay for our own army.

  • maybye our albertan PM has something to do with it. and alberta isnt the only province with resources its stupid of you to think so.

    oil is far from being the only resource in Canada.

  • LOL, sorry, but that's a really dumb thing to say

  • The oil will run out eventually...

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