Is paranormal activity really scary?

i dont want to waste my money on it and find out it sucks =(


  • it is scary if you convince yourself that the stuff that happens is real then it is SCARY

  • nothing of that kind is real okay. ghosts dont exist and paranormal **** doesnt exist. dont you find it funny that these ghost hunter or whatever never actually get the ghostt on film or they always hear things but for some reason the camera doesnt? or that the stories they tell of being flung accross a room is only a story and nobody saw it?

    come on guys, there is no such thing as paranormal activity period. we are all just animal. when you die you die. no spirit walk or some ****. its all just stories to freak you out.

    ive been in haunted houses or someones house that supposedly the lghts flicker and night and the cabinets open and close etc. but did i see it? nooooo i didnt. coz these thing alwasy happen when your not there. no hard evidence nothing. sorry, but in my opinion, people who believe in these things are idiots.

    sorry im ranting on and on. to answer the question. no its stupid and not scary.

  • I received private email vote to come to your town free tickets etc.Comparing to Blair Witch,which I have more activity in my home.I received an email wanting me to documentary in home town or movie,I all most didn't open it.Movies are expensive,if I hear any thing I'll let you know.

  • to be honest dont waste your money

  • i literally just got back from watching it. i loved it. it was amazing and half the theatre ran out screaming so not even joking go watch it

  • its not very scary,

    but its worth the money..


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