marriage proposal?

My boyfriend of 5 months just recently ask me to marry him... and then he said jokingly ... "but not now.." I just shrugged and smiled..What does this mean? and he tells me frequently that he's not the marrying kind, but he's do it for convenience if a situation asks for it. I dont get it! what does he mean?


  • He may be hinting at the fact that he finds you special among the girls he's been with. It also could be his form or a joke or a line he uses on other girls, so it's up to you to interpret. The future events will make his intentions clear. Just pay attention to the minor details, you will find an answer. You could also ask him directly, no harm in that, no need to over think a joke or a random comment. Best of luck.

  • It means he's thinking about it, but not ready to commit and settle down yet, especially if you guys are dating for 5 months!! "He does it for convenience if a situation asks for it" sounds like he would only get married if it is convenient for him or if he HAS to (ie: pregnancy alert). That's what I'm interpreting.

    It's too soon anyway. You'll find out how he really feels later on.

  • RED FLAG...I dated a guy who told me all kinds of stuff about why he "picked me," designed an engagement ring for me, our kids this and that, yadda yadda. He ended up cheating on me, dumping me on my birthday without explaining why, and riding off into the sunset (alone). This was almost 4 years ago. The slimebag still strung me along for a whole year after dumping me until I finally started getting my head together. I just found out he recently married someone else. My philosophy on this type of behavior is that this type of man has commitment issues...he's totally into the girl now, but when it gets too serious...he's gone. If he's confusing you now, it's a sign of more to come in the future. I was confused for like two years after my mess.

  • I would tell him straight out that he has been sending you mixed signals and that it's not okay for him to joke around about the marriage thing. Let him know where you stand on that issue at this point. He might have been affraid that you were going to say something other than yes so quickly retracted the question.

  • sex setup. Its like lying to a girl. That's pretty low of someone to do that.

    This is what is going on:

    Boy says: lets get married, blah blah blah.

    Girl: (gets an emotional rush) like what's happening now

    Boy has sex with girl.

    Girl gets pregnant

    Boy runs away.

    I used to be like that, but that's so wrong guys should not resort to tricks like this just to get in someone's pants.

    If he pressures you for sex, right after that, don't believe him. Runaway. Seriously.

  • i love ROBIN GOODFELLOWS answer...5 months is way too early to think about marraige, however, if someone i was dating told me early on that they are not the marrying type, i would move on...and i would most certainly not be having sex with them...

  • It means make sure he wraps his tool. Unless you're like totally super psyched about him skipping town when you miss your period.

  • It means that he is not willing to commit yet.

  • !sounds weird, either he is offering you some help or he's asking for help!!!

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