pro active??|?

does pro-active work?

my skin is has a lot of acne

im 14 and hates my face

if it does work how long does it take for your face to clear up


does it work for african american people


  • Pro Active is for mild acne. If you have severe ance, i am afraid that it will not help a whole lot. You may get rid of a small amount but not a whole lot. Sorry.

  • I understand. I'm 18 and I've struggled with acne since probably around 15. I tried Proactiv twice. I saw little improvement both times while my face continued to breakout. I was very upset that this product that was so common, easy to use, and easy to get your hand on had not worked for me like it did for others. So I got a prescription for Benzaclin, a stronger product that is even easier to use and GUARANTEED to work. I've used this medication twice as well. The first time, I used it after stopping Proactiv, and my face was at the brink of clarity (no scars, blemishes, nothing!) until I stopped using it, and inevitably, the acne came rushing back. I used Proactiv again after that, as I had said before, which didn't work for the second time. I've used Benzaclin since the end of January and running, and my face is showing unparallel results to other treatments. This is really the only thing that has worked for me, so I'll continue using it until my acne completely clears up. Proactiv could be a gamble in your case, since your acne may be severe, but I have no doubt Benzaclin gel will ultimately work for you. It will take some time and money, but you'll be happy with the final results, telling yourself: this is SO easy! and Why didn't I consider this earlier?!!! I highly recommend it. Go luck in your quest for clarity!

    With medical benefits, Benzaclin may cost you around $30 per 8 weeks. This treatment will give you the clarity you desire, leaving you with more confidence, higher self-esteem as well as definite positive outlook on life; you can't put a price on that!

  • It works fairly well. My son used it for a while. The time it takes depends on the severity of your acne and your skin type. My son's looked better within the first week, but still had some acne. Within about a month it seemed to subside, but had a couple of outbreaks here and there. I'm not sure if he used it completely as directed all of the time.

    A note of caution: do NOT order it directly from the company. They set you up on an automatic replenishment program that took me 3 times of returning product and several nasty letters to get them to stop. I have seen it at retail stores.

  • I have been using it for 3 years i love it.i get breakouts on my back and it even clears that .AL you have to do just use it the first day skip about two days because it will make you sensitive at first then once that stops. use it again if you feel any time your getting sensitive skip a couple days.Works better to use at night in the house.try not to use so much in the morning and go out in the sun might have a slight redness.but it does work well and get a test from dermatologist to know what things your allergic to.such as foods, soaps lotions makeup.

  • it does work but only for some people it takes about 2 weeks

  • Proactive worst thing ever,and you should especially not use there products because of celebrity indoresment use Murad or go to the dermatoligist

  • It does bhut it takes like a week and a half to work and when you stop the zits start coming back and they come back worse well thats what happened to me

  • it doesn't work for everyone. You should try murad. They have a starter kit for like only $30. You can also check out sephora they have all different things for acne.

  • try going to your doctor

    i know a few people like you

    and your doctor will probably give you sample products

    he might give you pills to help cure it away, or i suggest benza clin in the morning and tazorac at night

    they might dry out your face esp. benza clin, so use euracin(?)lotion

  • yes it does but you can't use it too much. like all soaps it can dry out your skin even if you do have crazy acne problems. i personally don't use it though but my friends do because some celeb uses it... yuck! sometimes that makes me sick. the pictures you see are often "fixed up" with airbrush! ha!

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