Why do so many parents keep their Q&A private?

It seems to mostly be the people in the parenting section.


  • Regulars in a lot of the sections have their profiles this way. I'm pretty sure it is the same reason I have mine like that...trolls and immature people that don't see eye to eye with you can't go through and report every darn thing you post.

  • Just a guess, but either because we have kids, and have a habit of keeping online information minimal; or, because the parenting section seems to have a large amount of sniping (witness the exchange between "Violate Me" and "Texas Mommy" earlier today).

    Personally, I keep mine private out of habit. My facebook account is locked up pretty tight, too.

  • the ones who keep their Q&A's private have somehow managed to aggravate some crazy and said crazy has stalked them through their Q&A's.

    Sometimes the crazies will also stalk and target contacts of the user that they have a grudge with too.

    my tactic for the crazies is to leave the board for a couple of days- they usually get bored after a couple of days of no activity from me!

  • I personally do it because I had a crazy psycho stalker troll who would haunt my Q&A and leave disrespectful comments about me and my son. That person would also report every single one of my Q&A and I got sick of it.

  • Trolls

    People reporting my Q's & A's


    etc etc

    And I don't want anyone adding me without an email 1st. If they do, they are just gonna be blocked!

  • Because if somebody doesn't like an answer that I gave, sometimes if they are nuts, they will go to every single Q&A I have and thumbs down it.

  • Because this site is full of trolls and stalkers.

    And i do not want some random people looking through my Q&A.

  • because i don't want any joe shmoe that i dont know (hey that ryhmed) checking throughmy Qs and As people can be crazy on this site

  • cause this section is full of crazies like me

  • because people are chickens!

    they probably don't want people looking at their other questions/answers and judging them on those.. personally i don't care.. i am who i am!

    some poeple would also get stalked and harassed if they let everyone see thier Q&A

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