Why do alcholics drink cheap drinks???
I've noticed that some alcholics drink stuff like white lighting or tesco value vodka. Do they start drinking this stuff merely because they dont have the money, or do they become more tolerant towards the vomit-inducing taste?
I'm asking because i am danger of being an alcoholic. at the moment, i still drink nice drinks like whiskey and coke. but if i leave it long enough, will i start drinking worse drinks like cheap whiskey straight?
Why do alcholics drink cheap drinks then?? is there any reason? im just curious
Beccause they drink a lot and alcohol is expensive they buy cheap strong alcoholic drinks to get drunk as quickly and cheaply as possible. When you are desperate for the effects the taste doesn't matter too much.
Alcoholics with indecent amounts of money drink better named spirits and champagne - but they are still drinking for the alcoholic effect rather than because they enjoy a drink.
Well first of all, White Lightning is illegal bootleg corn whiskey and it is somewhat difficult to come by, so I would not say that is a drink of choice for alcoholics in general. I would not say that alcoholics prefer cheap alcohol in general. Alcoholics come from all walks of life, whether rich or poor, and drink all sorts of things. I once had an alcoholic boyfriend who drank Crown Royal like it was going out of style. And if you are a whiskey drinker then you know Crown Royal is not cheap.
Of course, if an alcoholic doesnt have alot of money, they will buy something cheap and easy (nasty) like store brand rotgut vodka, or whatever, because they know they need alot of it and thats what they can afford. But I also wouldnt go to the lengths of saying that everyone is like THAT either. My uncle drinks too much, and has plenty of money, but he buys wine in a gallon jug because.... that is what my grandpa does, the way it has always been, creatures of habit, if you will.
If you are in danger of being an alcoholic (perhaps it runs in the family, that is a common reason) it does not matter if it is vodka or whiskey or beer or wine or white lightning. Alcohol dependency is just that... alcoholics will drink darn near anything if they want a drink bad enough. But it is good you notice this early. Cheap liquor is not distilled as well as expensive liquor (especially vodka), and when someone consumes alot of cheap liquor over a long time, it can cause alot more health issues than if they spent the extra money on the top shelf stuff. My ex husband used to drink cheap rotgut bourbon whiskey (Early Times, Evan Williams, etc) and it started to give him issues with his stomach. When finally me and his brother convinced him to spend the extra bucks on better whiskey, the stomach problems went away.
I dont care much for liquor, but this is something my Dad taught me, which I believe is true, "If you are going to be a liquor drinker, drink expensive liquor, because cheap liquor will kill you."
Hope this helps.
what a generalization ! poor homeless alcoholics can't afford any better, rich ones can and do. a true alcoholic is a person, that cannot stop drinking completely, no matter how much, or how often alcohol is consumed. there are heavy drinkers, that are not alcoholics, just as there are alcoholics, that take a couple of drinks, every once in a while, without ever getting drunk. alcoholism is classified as a disease by the medical community, you either have it, or you don't.
Nice drinks like whiskey and coke - abused is nasty! White lightning is basically gasoline (did it have fruit in the jar???)To help your head, heart, mind and body go for plain and simple vodka/gin or tonic - PERIOD! Many mature alcoholics have such a mature taste drinking cheap is neither fun for the pocket book or for the mind.
If your man enough about the cheapest drink you can get that'll $&@& you up is a couple shots of everclear but if your not then just mix a good bit of it with whatever soda you want after about 4-6 you'll be as gone as you wanna be
not true all alcoholics do not drink rock gut i never did the real question is if you think you have a problem than why don't you try and stop drinking in steed of thinking what you are going to buy in 10yrs check out AA it workes
being an alcoholic has nothing to do with quality vs. quantity,...
you can be an alcoholic and live on park ave, not all alkies are gutter drunks.
now if you think you have a problem, then perhaps it is time to STOP DRINKING before you end up buying no name booze,....
Alcoholic = Loser
Loser = Broke
Broke= cheap booze
therefore alcoholic=cheap booze a gutter drunk wants quantity not quality
Unless you are independantly wealthy then you could be a rich drunk
first of all i believe alcohol addiction is mental, your brain thinks it needs it to function due to the pleasure able feeling alcohol sends to your brain. if you don't believe that then, alcoholism is an addiction, there fore when you start becoming addicted your body isn't addicted the the Grey goose, or the hennesy, its addicted to the sugar with in the alcohol itself. all alcohol comes from the same basic ingredients just some are more filtered then others.
money first. but just because some thing is cheep doesn't mean it sucks. they didn't put tons of money in commercials.