Is anorexia even a real disease?

Or is it really just a bunch of h0s that need to eat a sandwich


I'm a respectable individual.


  • a lot of the time, on yahoo answers its just some poor kid who is an attention seeker.

    but it can be a very real and lethal disorder.

  • Yes. Anorexia is fairly new because of the media's critical comments about every woman's body. We never can be too thin is the saying. Some movie star that isn't a size 0 or less, will be called fat, sloppy, disgusting, etc. TV, movies, magzines, advertising, newspapers all have an unrealistic expectation of what a woman or teen girl should look like physically.

  • confident, that's a real ailment. you do not know what that's like except you have it. Anorexia outcomes human beings psychologically, they sense obese while they at the instant are not, which reasons them to not consume and often throw up or starve themselves. this is totally extreme.

  • It's not necessarily a disease; more of a state of mind. The American society is constantly saying that girls need to be skinny to be beautiful and show us all sorts of pictures of "beautiful" skinny girls (the majority of which are photo shopped) so girls feel like they need to look a certain way to be "beautiful" and unfortunately some girls choose to stop eating so that they can be skinnier. It's a sad reality and a very unhealthy way to lose weight.

  • How dare you say that...It is a real disease. It is a psychological disease that is manifested through starving oneself. I am not going to sit here and type for you how I know it is a disease. I will just say I have suffered with anorexia for 7 years and it is a disease...just like any other one. So please don't say we're a bunch of hos...that just makes people feel even worst.

  • Interesting how you all jump to defend anorexics when he trashes it, when if someone asks how to hide their anorexia you yell at them for being 'stupid'.

    Yahoo answers....

  • omg did u take health class cuz thats something really basic :S

  • yes it is a disease both mental and physical and your body cant control it it tells you not to eat.

  • It is a mental health disorder that is in fact, VERY real.

    And you need a brain transplant, which can't be done.

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