Do you think President Obama is a good president?

Im doing this as a project for school.

Ok theres been a lot of talk about President Obama not being a good president. I will like to here you guys opinions. But keep in mind some facts, people say he didn't do nothing in his terms so far here are some things he did:

1. Found our biggest enemy Bin Laden, who killed thousands of people(something the Bush Adm. couldn't do)

2. Got unemployment below 8%(something the Bush adm. caused)

3. Ended the war President Bush started saying we went there because they had weapons of mass destruction(we never found none, it was really a invasion)

4. Another thing people asked why he's so obsessed with free health care he's democratic so yes he's trying to get free healthcare mostly for the middle class.

5. Also people say he's trying to raise taxes which is true(but for the rich, not middle class) Because the middle class is the backbone of this nation and yes we are still part of it say we still need to pay, BUT the rich should pay a little more.

6. And think, he must be doing something right, he got two terms.

Please tell me your answer,and why you fell that way. Thank you:)


  • Nope, and you have your facts wrong. Unemployment was caused by the recession, the recession was caused by the housing market burst, the housing market burst was caused by a policy the Clinton put in place allowing banks to give mortgage loans to people who couldn't afford them. The banks were FORCED to do this. They took the loans that they got no money back from and grouped them together and sold them to other banks claiming that they made a profit. They had to do this to make up for their huge losses because of the law that Clinton passed. So this was not Bush's fault, it was Clinton's.

  • Personally I think Obama is one of the worst Presidents in American history.

    1. Let's set the record straight. Bush was a lousy president. No doubt about that, but Harry Reid proposed legislation that required banks to lower lending requirements on houses so more people could buy a house. Clinton signed that into law, not Bush, just before he left office. That is what caused the housing market to crash and take the banks with it.

    2. Unemployment is not down. So many people are still not working and have run out of benefits. So they can not refile. This low unemployment is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

    3. Yes we never should have gone to war in the middle east. Obama did not end it. It ended on it's own. Since he was in office he just got the credit.

    4. Free health care for the middle class? Do you have a brain? I am middle class. My wife has very bad health. Health insurance for us will cost $2,500 a month and the government will not help us. The only ones getting free health care is the poor and immigrants.

    5. He lost the popular vote. Ho only got in like Bush did on the Electoral vote. And everyone's tax's will go up. Just wait and see. He has spent more money then every other president combined. Even your grand kids will never be able to pay off his debt. Bottom line: Worst president in American history!!!

  • 1 He found no one, he probably tried to save bin laden cause they were bros, but he took credit for it anyway

    2 he got unemployment way up. it was almost 10% after his third year as president

    3 he ended nothing. he did not want to go to war as they are all his friends and he did not want them all shot up

    4 free my a$$, who do you think is paying for the government to operate now? We the people will be paying out the butt for the next 10 generations until this fine country is made into a third world poor country.

    5 He and those who are senators and reps are also rich and do you think they will be paying higher taxes? No, and do you know why? because they are not the middle class who will be doing all the paying.

    6 He was elected with fraud and blackmail and threats and bullying.

  • in theory i could drink the massive amount of alcahol required to think in that manner but i doubt that the resulting massive intoxication would be healthy.

    1.) obama did NOT find bin laden. in fact he fought hard not to. had any of his policies been adapted, like closing gitmo, ending enhanced interrogation or, god forbid, prosecuting cia agents for doing their jobs, the informaiton needed to capture bin laden obtained from khaled sheik mohammed wouldnt have been in our possesion and the likelyhood of bin laden being alive today in tora bora wouldve been great.

    2,) the pelosi/reid regime has been in charge of ALL financial matters arising from congress since the razor thin mandate of 06. liberals seem to forget that and the real meaning of the pelosi tirades in congress was that anything that the gop proposed had to be rubber stamped by pelosi and reid. sorry liberal, you lose on that o3.) ne. the real unemployment figure from obama is into the mid teens when you count all that have given up on finding gainful employment. look around you. this economy is far far worse than bush ever had and is getting worse by the second. obama cares not about limiting spending and thats the real problem to limiting unemployment.

    3.) wrong again liberal. if you read un observer richard butlers report you will see all that was found and before you whine about bushs war let me refresh you about all the liberals who signed on.


    4.) obamacare is far from free. the real cost of this horrible mess is the full time jobs moved ot part time to avoid the confiscatory taxation, the freedoms given up by a pseudo marxist regime of obama forcing you to engage in needless commerce and fining you if you dont. a traditional vote was never offered for this unholy mess as obama knew it would never pass. it was forced through congress on referendum and was immediately challenged by 26 states. obama issued over twelve hundred exemptions before this massive boondoggle even started mostly to union buddies that just "happened" to vote for his campaign. over fifty percent of americans dont want or need this mess according to rasmussen polls. its unsustainable and a sad and unfortunate burden our children will now bear.

    5.) can you tell me why liberals can never seem to identify the "fair share" they always want them to pay SPECIFICALLY. and somehow that nebulus concept is never enough.

    6.) oh he did something right allright. he enabled class warfare and hatred. he constantly played the race card ad nauseum, and raised smears and unfounded innuendo that created...heavens...a 1.75 % mandate to continue this mess. when you consider that 50.2% of americans pay no income tax at all and one out of 7 families are on assistance it doesnt take rocket science to see why people voted to keep assistance coming. it may be popular but surely isnt right.

  • He is a good president when you compare him to presidents like Bush Senior and Bush Junior. But other than that he is a mainly a puppet controlled by Israel and the Zionists.

  • no he is not a good president, he didnt kill osama because he is osama, look at the ears, the ears give him away,

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