Why does my dog chase one particular family?

I have a two year old yellow lab who likes to spend time outdoors. He is very well-behaved and trustworthy so it is normal for him to be outdoors without a leash for several hours at a time. Even though there are many acres for him to wander, he never leaves a 50 yard perimeter of my house. Recently, my dog has started chasing the cars of my neighbor and his family. He pays no attention to any other vehicle but chases any member of this one particular family. If I happen to catch him when he notices the vehicle, I can tell him no and stop his chase, however he gets very anxious. If he's already chasing when I catch him, he won't come (not normal for him). Any ideas why he chases this family?


  • you have just described the best reason to keep your dog leashed or inside a fenced yard. If he chases just one car it is too many and he may end up dead on the side of the road.

    Why does he chase this family/car? Maybe he sees it more often and recognizes it, considers the family "friends". or the opposite and they have done something to mistreat him. They could also be trying to lure(with food probably) him away from your home to steal him. btw most places have leash laws and he could be picked up for roaming.

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