Am I a poser?

I already know the answer, consider this more of a debate, kinda. As most know, there are many subcultures in the US. The punx, the goths, the emos, the scene kids, the juggalos, the skaters, the metalheads, the preps, so on and so on. I could go forever. See, I consider myself somewhat of a subculture studier, because all of them are cool and interesting in different ways. Which is why one day, I'll wear a Slipknot t-shirt and some baggy Tripp pants, and the next, tightish bondage pants and a Casualties t-shirt. Although I am in North Carolina, and there's 6 or 7 punx here tops, I'm sure they'd call me a "poser", I guess because I dable in everything.

Could I get some other opinions on the matter?


Oh, and I know I'm not a poser. I don't rotate between calling myself a punk or a goth, and I don't play label wars like a lot of stupid people. Give me more credit than that, lmao

Update 3:

And for God sakes, I'm not asking, I'm bringing up all this stupid label war bullshit! PUT AN END TO IT!


  • You can wear whatever you want, and if that changes from day to day, that doesn't make you a poser. But if you claim to be a punk one day and a goth the next, then it is obvious you are a poser.

  • If making millions of dollars, sleeping with many young girls, and then calling in sick when others would have rather died than miss a show, poser as in having no street credit. Yeah I think he could poser all he wants. There are plenty of gangsta rappers that are hardcore, and have street credit. But Bieber with his Canadian SWaG in a world not defined by street credit has money in the bank. And cash in had is better than credit. Would I think he could roll out with a crew of thugs, nope but he could pay them to protect him from all the girls screaming trying to get at his man parts Poser and happy is he

  • Well, to me, your only a poser if youre trying to be something that you dont come by naturally or just because people you admire do it, but since you label yourself a "subculture studier", arent you just being yourself by dabbling in each one? Or do you only rotate between ICP loving morons and im-still-punk-even-tho-the real-punks are in-their 50's-now genres?

    yes they would call you a poser, most likely.

    Do you actually know who the casualties are or just wear the shirt (i was appalled to learn people do this)?

    Do what you do. it stops mattering in your mid 20's anyway.

  • I'm pretty sure your a poser. A person posing as an actual human being and a subculture studier. You dabble in everything because you want to fit in and cant make up your mind. Sounds like a poser to me.

  • That's exactly how I am! I can dress like a total emo one day, and then the next day be a complete prep. And it's not because I'm trying to impress anyone, I just like both of those styles, and more. So I think it would be dumb for people to call you a poser, since you're just being yourself, and liking more than one thing, instead of labeling yourself under one specific kind.

  • uno your expressing yourself and theres no problem with that. I wouldn't call you a poser, but i have a different definition of that word. When i Think of posers, people who follow the "cool" crowd and act in a manner that's totally fake come to my mind. Those guys are not expressing themselves rather they are trying to look like dopplegangers. Personaly ithink Scene Kids are posers in a high digree, and you can tell coz they all seem to look and act the same, as if they were all one huge entity; imean you'll see all of them do that infamous hand-heart; that wicked hair of theirs and metro clothes; their cheesy conversation lines. At first i wanted to be like them, until they all start doing it and it just didn't feel original anymore, and I just felt after that that I should just be myself rather than following a crowd.

    Punks, I don't know. I have a punk friend who is really odd; she found a hoof of a dead animal and brought it to english class. And technically their not cool coz the majority in my school shun them. I think their their doing what they feel is right for them, which are the drugs, the sense of freedom, and music.

  • you are the BIGGEST poser i'v heard of!!

    prep,skaters and emos' are not a subculture so i would love to know how you can study it!!!!

    punk and goth are supculture, but not the rest.

    i would know because i'm gothic and i am into the subcutlure.

    if you were trying to emply that slipknot shirt and tripp pants is a gothic thing, than you need to study the gothic subculture a little more.

    "real goths" don't even listen to slipknot!!!!!!

    i'm acutally insulted!!!!

    if you want to study about the subculture, than email me any question you want

  • I don't think a real poser would ask that question.

    You're a lot more interesting than the lily-white kids who wear baggy pants, gold chains and talk black. Thems is posers!

  • that sucks im a punk myself... how i think of the whole poser thing is.. if your one way.. but you see something else as being cool.. then how can you be a poser if you like it.. you know? like the only way i think a person can be a poser is if they wear like a band t shrit that they know nothing about or that they hate just to fit in.. but like any other way i dont see it as being a poser..

  • Of course you are. How about stop fussing over the stupid subcultures or "cliques" and find some real friends and enjoy high school and forget about all that crap. You should just be yourself not try and make a statement saying you can be whoever anybody wants you to be.

    Its ridiulous

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