Is dark skin naturally unattractive?

Almost every cultural seems dark skin as ugly. The Indians from India discriminate against dark Indians. Chinese lighten their skin. Dominican act like they are not black. Brazil is more racist than America. Same as Colombia.

Other race also have a hard time mixing with black. There are half mexican half white schools in California where most are mixed now.

The only race who mix with black are native Americans and Pacific islanders. Do they really see our skin color as ugly?

I love my skin color which isn't dark skin and isn't light skin. Just grown.


  • No. People are just ignorant and associate the light with positivity and the dark with negativity.

    Both are equally good and/or bad. Light skin has it's benefits and dark skin has it's benefits. Lots of people like or dislike either or.

    White people colonized and controlled most of the world. South America, North America, The Caribbean and India all were controlled by Euros before and Euros had enforced their social castes on them. Some of them greatly effected the countries (I.e. The Dominican, India) and some didn't affect them as much (Brazil, Jamaica, African countries).

    If dark people colonized most of the world, it'd probably be a different outcome.

  • It may date back to the lighter people were typically regarded as high status, cuz they didn't have to do labor work, usually outside, which gives them a tan. So tanner darker people were generally regarded as low status, cuz they were the low class labor workers that had to work outside in the sun, hence get dark. That is really just a theory, but I think this goes way deeper than just that.

    It's not just White's rosy pale glowing skin, but their general facial structure, and soft naturally colorful hair(etc.), is very appealing to many as well.

    Whites did not force their beauty standards on East Asians and Indians, etc., these people just decided to like Eurocentric features on their own because that is what they genuinely like.

    Eurocentric features is just what appeals to the general East Asian and Indian cultures. & No, they are not so called "brainwashed by the media" or "White-washed." Everyone just has their own opinions. Not everyone that likes Eurocentric features is brainwashed. That is just what people who are jealous of White women say to make themselves feel better.

    Natalia Poklonskaya(White Russian woman) had zero media hype, not even a model, and never even flaunting her looks. She is actually a serious politician, literally the least sexiest job ever. Yet she randomly got wild popularity in Japan, cuz that is what they genuinely like.

    & I have Pacific Islander friends as well, and full dark Black women generally don't appeal to them either. But I think most men don't mind light-skinned mixed Black women.

    & most White men only praise Black women when they are asked about it and pressured into it, cuz they don't want to be labeled a racist bigot, cuz Whites are usually quickly and unfairly labeled a racist. Society is very politically correct.

  • Dark skin may not be ugly but there many different sigmas attached to it.

  • Not always.

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