Teens: do you prefer a fun school or some fancy private school?

ok so this friend of mine recently transferred to this fancy little private school were everything is so clean and snobby and they give them high quality stuff.

But I don't know why he left our school!! Its a really unique school! its an Art school first of all, we have no sports, which is kind of a flaw, but our students are very interesting, we have no uniforms (his school does) and everybody is very weird, theres only 1,000 kids, we have only been going on for 10 years, but we are still this fun crazy little school! There's a lot of freedom in my school and the students are all sorts of characters.

and my friend Lenny just gave all that up for the other school.

Now I know its his choice, he has his own life too.

But if you had to choose, which one would you pick? they both have there pros and cons


  • I'd much prefer the Art school that sounds fun, but then with a private school, you'd have an advantage of having more subjects to choose from and getting into a job. Private schools doesn't mean the kids are necessarily snobby.

  • I've graduated but I'd choose the arty school if I was still at school. However remember that it may not have been his choice to move. I attended a Catholic school that to a government school kid could have been considered "snobby". Although the kids that went to school there were quite nice (and most including myself were no more snobby than anyone else. Anyone who knows me well will say that although I'm stubborn and strong willed I am not snobby, unless they misinterpret my initial shyness upon meeting a person) and my education was at least decent (in some ways) I did not choose to attend that school. I was forced and if I had my time back (and my parents cared more about how I felt and what I thought) I would definitely attend a public high school.

    So it may not have been his wishes to begin with.

  • My school was a fun, laidback school until Ofsted demanded it get better or close down so we turned into an Academy. It's horrid. You're caught out on your makeup, wrong uniform, hair etc when they could be actually teaching us. They spend money on nail varnish remover and makeup wipes when it could be used on learning equipment. I hate it.

    I much prefer my old, more fun school than a strict, fancy school. It's still a public school, though.

  • I would honestly like to go to a fun school. I actually think that an Art school would be the most funniest school that I can honestly choose to go to, but I lack the talent to be able to go to an art school. I mean, sure, there are some cons of going to an Art school, but I think the fun would be worth it to go there.

  • I like my "snobby" private school better than public. Kids at public were, sorry to say, animals. Very few of them cared about academics or their futures, and they were wild. It was like Lord of the Flies because there was no real adult oversight.

    I like my uniform. I didn't at first but I've come to prefer it. I don't have to think about what I'm wearing, no one picks on me for my lack of fashion sense or wearing the wrong brand or anything. I can see the downsides to it, it does make everyone really similar, but in a small school setting, your personality really gets to come out and everyone knows you for that anyway, whereas in a giant public school, you're just another face in the crowd whether or not you choose your own clothes.

    I like the focus on academics, and the small classroom environment where you really get 1-on-1 time with your teachers and peers. Also, people don't come in and out of your life all the time, like in public school you may have a best friend one year but then you're not in any of the same classes because there are so many, and you have to get used to all new people. Here you really get to know people.

    I also like that we have a nice, clean building, that we get to be responsible for (we have no janitors, students clean at the end of every day). We have lots of international students, which is fun to get to know about others' cultures.

    As far as schools go, mine is the best I could hope for, short of something like a Summerhill school, sadly we lack that here! I think art school would be fun, but I've got no idea what I want to be or do, I don't want to lock myself into a specialty, so an allover university preparatory school is best for me.

  • Just because they're fancy doesn't mean they're snobs. So what if everything is clean and high quality? I LOVE that! Are you seriously judging a school for being clean?

    I choose a CLEAN, "fancy" school.

  • I go to a small Catholic high school and the place is falling apart! Nothing is nice, the building is older than the ground its standing on! Wile we are getting Chrome books next year, we have to pay for them. I prefer my school though. I tried public school and hated it.

    @Sskurabi: the food at my school is...tolerable. For Godsake! Who am i fooling? They serve us a heart attack on a tray each day. Then we have to wear ties everyday!

  • pretty much every public high school can be considered a "fun" school. most high schools are 1000 people and have no uniforms, it doesnt make it special or fun. i think a private school is so much better, they teach you good manners and i like unforms anyways

  • I've never been to a "fun" school....

    Frankly, I'm not into art and would much rather go to a school that majors in science and medical.

  • FUN!

    Some people prefer the fancy schools, that's just how they are. I would die if I had to go to one.

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