Emachinces Upgrade?

I have a W3609 Emachines computer could I get a diferent tower and it still work?


  • W3609 is reasonably current PC.

    eMachines have a few integrated features on the casing, such as audio and USB. It will be hard to integrate them in to new casing.

    eMachine as far as I know uses standard form factor, probably microATX

  • Do you mean get a different case for your motherboard? Yes. Do you mean get a different motherboard and use your same operating system? No, at least not if you have Vista. Vista, when bundled with hardware, usually validates automatically by checking the BIOS, instead of entering a key. If the BIOS changes, Vista will no longer be "genuine."

  • Yeah, you will just have to get a tower the mother board fits in. But it will work.You could take all the pieces out, put it on a table, put it together and it will work. lol. But dont..

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