Do Christians condemn asexuality?

I am asexual. I don't have a sex drive and I am not attracted to either sex. I can appreciate human beauty but not on a sexual level. More like looking at a beautiful painting or a sculpture.

Am I going to hell for being asexual?


  • Just don't abort your clone. They really frown on that.

  • No, not at all. I would see this as a great thing. You don't have to struggle with something that many people do, and that is a blessing. Maybe you have a calling in something. Maybe there is something big that God wants you to do for Him, and it would make it much easier that you are the way you are. I think it is wonderful, and if i were you, i would not worry about this at all. Look at it as an advantage and ask God what He wants you to do for Him. God bless you!!

  • No. It would seem pretty stupid to punish someone for not having any sexual drive. You should worry about more important issues, than being punished for your sexuality, which is a waste of time. Do something constructive with your life.

  • No. True celibacy is also asexual as they do not have sex and Christians are fine with them.

  • I am asexual, too. I don't think Christians care about hating asexuals. Just hating gays. No problem.


    - Greeny

  • 'Am I going to hell for being asexual?'


    The bible does not mention that term

  • Can you multiply on your own? If you can't, then you are not asexual. Question not valid

  • why do you say that? asexual is self reproduction........ you just have a low very low sex drive, why would that be written bad in the bible?

  • you must see Britney Spears

  • You are without lust. Such a thing is a blessing, as you have no appetite for the sexual sins of the flesh.

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