Did I do damage to my penis?

Me and My Fiance were having sex, then my sister called. After hanging up we tried to finish, but I could not get it back up. So we thought that it was my sister just ruining the mood. We tried again the next day that afternoon, we made wonderful love, but it was hard to get it up at first, but once it was up it stayed up. She thinks that I don't find her attractive anymore, but she is beautiful,she is an angel in my eyes, she thinks it's her fault, but it is not. We was forced to wait for 8 days before we did this,but we had sex for a week straight. during those 8 days I master bated, could this and the sex for a week straight be the reason I'm finding it hard to get hard? Please someone help me I love her so much and this problem is kind of embarrassing.


  • I don't like damaged penises, and I like yours. Ergo, it's not damaged.

  • Did you already tried using Penis Advantage mechanism? Move on this site : http://latestpenisenlargement.com/ . This can undoubtedly teach people!

  • Did you watch fetish porn or something? Maybe you aren't turned on because it's too routine or something now.

    Try foreplay and you'll probably get an erection.

  • LOL! I'm pretty sure you're joking, but if you're not your penis will be fine soon.

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