Do college grades really matter?

I mean if you graduate with a 2.0 or a 4.0 you still get the same diploma and graduate correct. So do grades really matter? Or is it just about the degree and the diploma? Thank you.


  • If you're applying to law or medical school or graduate school, your grades matter quite a bit - to have any shot at all, you need to have above a 3.0 GPA, and to have a decent shot, above a 3.5 GPA.

    If you're not going on to more school but trying to get a job in your field (engineering, architecture, accounting, etc) employers WILL ask and judge you on your GPA.

    If you're going to graduate and go work a job that doesn't require a college degree, or just a generic degree but no particular subject (like store manager at the mall), then no, your GPA doesn't matter.

  • It depends on what you are going to do with your degree.

    If you are applying to grad school-they matter.

    Also, for most majors you have to keep at least a 2.5, some higher.

    For scholarships usually its a 3.0

    But for jobs, when you are done....usually doesn't matter as much-its all about your portfolio and experience :)

  • Yes. Employers ask for it and look at that when you apply for a job.

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