How do u STAR a Q?

Do u give a Star for a Q coz u know the person who asked it? OR coz the Q is interesting? OR simply coz u give Star to every single Q u answer coz u dun loose points?

So, whts ur reason to gv a Star?

i give Stars to the interesting Qs n to the people tht i know.

thks in advance.


  • An interesting question





    1- If I found that question interesting, it doesn't matter who is the Asker.

    2- For my network, to have a look at that question

    3- If I couldn't be able to answer any particular question

  • I give stars very sparingly.. it's only to the questions I find really interesting, or I want to check back later to see what some answers are to the question (because I didn't have an answer myself) or I wanted to see what others comment about.

    I don't give stars to people I know- that game is just silly.

    I give a star to very excellent questions only. Which has been 29 stars over the course of 2+ years.

  • I give star only to interesting questions

  • How do u star a Q?

    You click o the star below the question

  • i only give stars to interesting Qs

  • hey same here i also ve d same criteria as urs 4 givin stars

  • i don't remember giving a star. i guess its to encourage more innovative questions.

  • if i like the Q then i star it


    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:))))

  • Only if it is interesting & no other reason.


  • when it reminds of something i do

    or find it intresting

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