Is New Mexico Tropical?

Would New Mexico be considered tropical?


  • No, although it is (or can be) hot, it is too dry normally. Tropical places include Hawaii, and other places along that longitudinal line. My geography isn't that hot but I do know this....

  • No . Southern New Mexico is hot and dry . Central New Mexico is a bit humid , but far from tropical . Northern New Mexico is considered high desert mixed with mountains . The only true tropical States in the U.S. are Florida and Hawaii .

  • no

    look at a globe and you can see the tropic lines marked

    tropic lines indicate sun's rays hit earth surface directly overhead, at least one day of the year (on the line itself) all the way up to every day of the year (on actual equator)

    everywhere in between the two tropic lines is tropical, basically close enough to equator to get overhead sun

    NM is too far north as is all the continental USA

    FL is warm but not tropical, even the Keys are too far north

  • It is arid...high mountain humidity, very little rain, very little vegetation...totally different from south Florida...which is sub-tropical. New Mexico is miles ans miles, and miles of nearly flat desert, with occasional Rocky Mountains. I have driven through it and visited there many times.

  • No. Hawaii is the only part of the USA between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

  • No the humitity is to low it is a desert

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