Video driver updates?

i need to update my video drivers to play some games like the cod 5 beta. I downloaded a program called driver detective for free but when i tried to update my video drivers it asked for money... can i get these driver updates without paying? I think the drivers i need to update are RADEON x600 series plz hlp


  • Hi. Radeon is an ATI product (now owned by AMD) but you can try to get them here. Good luck!

  • Video driver

  • The Xpress 3 hundred is no longer supported - this potential that there are no new drivers for it. the only time you want a sparkling driving force is whilst there's a trojan horse interior the prevailing one. and you frequently get carry of drivers rapidly from the producer's website. they're people who write it - in the event that they don't have one for that hardware for that OS, there is no longer one. (specially situations the pc producer is utilising a specially changed version of the hardware, and that they are the only ones who've the drivers for that version.)


    click on the option 1 download link for the drivers.

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