service dog programs?

i am interested to have our oldest dog visit elderly, help with therapy, etc. does anybody know of any programs like that for dogs to help others?

preferably in mn.


  • Most places like your dog to be certified as a Therapy Dog through either Therapy Dogs International or the Delta Association. At the very least your dog should have its CGC (canine good citizen) title (the only title the AKC grants to mixed-breed dogs). If you already have CGC or TDI, then check with your local animal welfare organizations (humane society, SPCA, those sorts of places). They usually have pet-assisted therapy programs or can put you in touch with someone who does.

  • If you have any local dog clubs start by asking there. If they don't do it they shoud know who does.

    Or contact the nursing facility they would also know who to have you call for info.

    Many clubs require your dog to have his CGC title from AKC. It is not really hard test but takes some work. Other do not.

    Most have you bathe the dog before the visit. Each will have it's own requirements.

    I have done this with one of my Dobermans and it is very rewarding work. My dog loves it and I love to see how happy it makes people. Many who do not talk much just light up when the dog comes in and goes up to them. It is sad at times when you loose someone you see all the time and it is hard not to become involved with the people.

    My dog would come home exhausted and sleep for hours but he was always ready to go.

  • The above answer was very good, but I would like to add that you may want to contact the nursing homes and facilicities that you would like to visit. If they already do pet visits they can give you the information you need to contact the group and get involved.

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