Math Grade Problems?

So I'm an all A student, I got an A in math 1 last year but this year my teacher is pretty bad and i'm really struggling. I have tutors which I see multiple times a week, and studying as much as possible. But no matter how much I put in, i'm still not receiving the grades I would like. His tests never have anything to do with the concepts of which he says they are on, and I just can't seem to win with him. Any suggestions?

Other Info: Teacher doesn't teach, and makes students feel worthless because rather than helping, he just criticizes us.


Edit: I'm a sophomore in high school


  • Studying too much is not the solution.

    You need quality not quantity.

    Math is the kind of subject where once you learn, you won't have to require teaching. Self learning will take over.

    You are being taught too much but learning less.

  • You could go to the teacher and tell him what you just told us.

    You could get better tutors.

  • My son was in a situation similar to yours a few years ago in university and ended up getting a B+ in Calculus I. He just made a point to avoid taking another class with that particular professor. Approximately half the class failed and only a handful of students got a B+. To his knowledge, nobody got a higher grade.

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