how do you remove track(weave) glue?

i just removed my glued in tracks but the glue is still in my hair. I thought i combed all of it out before i washed my hair but i didnt. Now it's all throughout my hair and my hair is like slick, greasy and sticky! Please help me!


  • Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Put loads of conditioner in your hair, place a shower cap on your head, and sit under the hair dryer. The heat will cause the glue to melt a little and the condtioner will help in the ease of the hair sliding from the glue. Repeat step as needed. Just make sure you are as patient as you can be... because alota yanking and pulling will definately damage your hair

    Always does! Get either braided tracks with sewn in weave or clip in Weave. Glue pulls the hair out from the root. Though its quicker, easier and less expensive, not the best solution

  • Once before I glued in tracks in my hair and after I took them out I put cooking oil in my hair and let it sit for and hour with a shower cap on and then comb the glue out. The glue slides right out of your hair!

  • Apply some grease or oil sheen spray and apply it to the glue and all over your head, and wait a minute, then the glue should slide right off.

  • i don't know if thats your first time doing that, but my suggestion is to either get a "quick weave" next time (thats when they do the stocking cap and glue the weave to that and not your scalp) or just get it sewn in...the best answer is the way to go though

  • Well, why would you want to remove it? I'd find having glued together fingers pretty cool. In fact, I might just go glue my fingers together now. Thanks for the idea :D

  • well, eucalyptus works for me! i got tree resin is my hair, and combing made it even mum dab eucalyptus oil on a tissue, put that on the lump of resin, gently pulled down, and It came out!

    hope this helps. good luck!

  • i've heard lemon works. something with the natural acid maybe?

    it disolves with oil based removers

  • Use conditioner

  • i dont no that one

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