Um, do penguins have knees?

Penguins and knees


  • Do penguins have knees?

    Yes. It doesn't look like they have much in the way of legs, but their knees are hidden under their feathers. Here's a basic diagram:

  • Although you don't see them, penguins DO have knees and upper legs. They are completely enclosed inside the penguin's body, instead of being on the outside like other animals. If you look at this picture of a penguin skeleton, you can clearly see the bird's legs, and the location of the knees: The upper leg is oriented horizontally.

    In contrast to other birds (whose feet are placed in the middle of their body) penguin feet are set all the way back, causing an upright stand. (Example: )

  • Penguins appear to have very short legs and no knees because only the lower leg is externally visible. Their knees and upper legs are feather covered, hiding them from view. This also means that penguins never get cold knees!

  • Penguins are birds. The have the same leg structure as every other bird from hummingbirds to ostriches. Bird knees bend backwards rather than forwards as they do in humans.

  • no, penguins do not have knees. but i love pnguins


  • Spunky got the answer right, but her link was hard to click on. Here it is again:

  • Yes, they are hidden, though. They are not exposed like a human.

  • Haha I don't know.... And this I would have to say wins the most odd question of the week.

  • Perhaps you should consult the Imponderables book of the same title.

  • I dont think so, they have feet and then a body. I dont think they have knees.

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