How do you combat laziness?

I'm in grade 12 and I'm really starting to get disheartened at everything I do. My grades have dropped even when I try hard so sometimes I don't bother trying at all. It's really bad...Sometimes I don't care.

What are some advice you can give me?



I used to be super hardworking. Now nothing seems clear anymore...


  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades?

    You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you?

    Please, see about getting some counseling, finding someone (an adult) you can talk to.

    I wish you the best. Take care.

  • you sound kinda depressed, try exercising it works great for battling depression. As for your grades you really should care cuz it does matter. Your in 12th grade so you're close to graduating don't give up you're almost there and college is a lot more fun than high school so you have a lot to look forward to. Perk up get into whatever it is that you like to do somethings gotta be more interesting than just not caring, cuz that's just no fun. If you think that this is just phase then try doing things that you enjoy or if you don't enjoy that right now then find some new interests and explore them. Or create some new attainable goals for yourself look into some community colleges in your area so that you have your sights set on something positive. If you have a history of depression or think you may be suffering from depression then definitely let your parents know so that you can be seen by your doc and get help asap and get back to being you

  • you cant combat laziness, its part of being human.

    but you can decide for yourself what you want to achieve at school, and how you cant get it by being lazy. if the honest truth to that question is that you really don't care anymore, than i guess u are not being lazy, you are in fact on course with where you want to be...i.e fail some subjects...

    otherwise you know what to do. what u don't know is what you really want out of school.

    studying smarter also helps, not same as working harder. make more efficient use of you time by hang out with people who are good at the topics that you are weak at.

  • some people get into philosophy at this point, some into drugs.

    but then, you find the answer..that this is no answer. u need to make one up if you want to. just ignore this answer if it sounds discouraging.

  • Just think of what lazy people have achieved.

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