Is wrestlemania 29 a failure so far?

Like nothing has happened that had me saying wow


  • absolutely not, the show has been very good so far

  • All one has to do is see the booking of this card to realize that this card was destined to be subpar. I feel the matches themselves thus far have been booked properly, but the matchups alligned just don't allow for great matches to happen. CM Punk/Taker delivered as expected, but that is the only match where two great workers are squaring off tonight minus Lesnar/HHH (though Brock has lost a step) . The advancement of the company is positive tonight, as Punk still came out of his match looking strong kicking out of the tombstone and having Taker in trouble, Fandango (a heavily invested heel) picks up some major legitamacy beating highly decorated and legendary Chris Jericho, the Shield picking up the win keeps them strong as a stable beating 3 top smackdown stars. It is just that the match quality has been pretty low, but with the card what did one expect. The card could've looked alot better from a pure wrestling perspective if Ziggler faced Jericho, Cesareo got plugged in somewhere opposite of Bryan. These are two simple changes, yet two high quality matches featuring 3 of the most technically gifted wrestlers in wrestling today and in Ziggler an high quality worker who is an excellent seller.

  • I've loved this PPV so far. Of course there have been some matches that I would have rather seen someone else win but other than my personal wants the show has been very good.

  • Why the hell is Hunter heart Helmsley so foamy????


    I feel for vince, he tries hard and thinks that he's putting on a great show for the fans but NOPE.

    This wont be as bad as mania 9, 19 or 27, but it's still pretty poor.

  • I agree. The only reason I got it, was because I wasn't sure if Taker would win or not, and if he did lose, I wanted to be able to see his last match.

    The matches have lacked action!

  • Punk lost.....the streak lives......success. Also Alberto delrio beat Swagger.

  • No, that Taker/Punk match was great!

  • I sadly have to agree

  • always finding room to complain

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