Tea party goal is to make obama "One term President'?

What was goal of Acorn? Is race once again going to be focus of next presidential election? Or is freedom of choice, ideals, values going to return to election process?


I voted against obama, felt he had no experience to be President. Just think it is funny that Tea Party is racist now, but Acorn was not. Which has been sanctioned? Paying fines? I encourage everyone to vote your ideas, candidate you can associate with, not just a party.


  • That's the chant Michele Bachmann, who is a tea party favorite, was singing.

    But too bad she doesn't know that a one-term president is better than a no-term president, which is something she'll always be.

  • I love your question, and I love this country. I'm tired of people who just care about money and there own point of view. Republicans thought of reducing the deficit to make Obama look bad, you dont reduce the deficit when the country is trying to get back on its feet. Obama needs to do the right thing when it comes to Immigration and welfare, you Do Not Reward someone who is here ILLEGALLY with food stamps, money, medical, and schooling ( its wasting 100s of billions of dollars).

    I will vote for Ron Paul or Obama....

  • the people can see that he is no good too. Ron Paul 2012

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