Do cats get depressed?
Hi there,
I have a cat, who I love to death, that isn't on the young side...not sure of her exact age because she was a stray but she is, at least, 11 years old.
This past summer, she has slept more than ever. She got listless. Even when awake, she would just lie quietly on the ground, not responding. She has behaved exactly like a depressed person who has no motivation to even get out of bed.
I've made an appointment with her vet but, in the meantime, I was wondering if you think cats can get depressed? The reason I mention this is tonight I brought home a bunch of toys to see if it would make a difference and she immediately started playing, jumping around, was as active as I've seen her all summer.
Now I feel like a bad owner for not having toys for her before.
Thanks for any input!
First, 11 really isn't old. Cats can easily live to 20.
If it's been hot, it's normal for your cat to be sleeping and laying still. When a cat gets depressed they're more likely to stop eating or grooming.
I would still go to the vet, it's good to have a check up even if it's just to make you feel better.
It's entirely possible- animals can have some of the same emotional or nervous conditions that humans have. I've known people whose pets have had Prosac prescribed for nervousness- a bird that plucked its own feathers and a cat who licked itself bald & bloody in places.
With less severe symptoms, such as in your case, it's very important to rule-out physical or medical problems. I would encourage you to keep the appointment with the vet, even if your cat seems more like herself now. Cats are especially good at hiding their weaknesses/illnesses.
I had an interesting experience that you might find helpful:
I dated a man years ago that had two cats and no other roommates. The male was your standard indifferent tom- he'd sit by you if you had food or were petting him, but he wouldn't come when called. The female had a reputation for being deathly afraid of anyone other than my boyfriend. From the first moment I walked into the apartment, the female cat loved me. She slept on my jacket, laid on my shoes, and was always on my lap looking for attention. It was like she was obsessed with me. After a few weeks, the male started coming around, too. My boyfriend and I worked opposite shifts, so I spent a good amount of time alone with the cats.
After a few months, we broke up. Then my ex told me that he was really worried about the cats because they had stopped eating. The female was not a big eater to begin with, but the male had always been a chow-hound. My ex tried buying new cat food, changing his eating/sleeping schedule around, taking them to the vet...nothing worked. This went on for a couple of weeks.
Then my ex went on a week-long vacation, during which time I checked-in on the cats. The first night, I filled their bowls and they both practically inhaled their food. They were purring like crazy and seemed very content. By the third day, I had to buy more cat food- they had eaten more in three days than they had the previous week! The cats were in good spirits the entire week I watched them, and they continued to eat regularly when my ex got back.
Can I be sure the cats were depressed because they missed me? No, but it seems pretty likely. My ex was often stressed and too busy to spend time with the cats on their terms. I was always happy to see them, and I'm sure they could sense that. I suggested he try to talk to them while using an upbeat tone of voice, as well as taking the time to pet them as soon as he got home (he used to be too busy or tired). Changes in schedules or the way we interact with our pets can be upsetting to them, and most pets are sensitive to their owner's stress levels.
Don't feel bad! If she's been active and playful before, the reason she's so down cannot be because of the lack of toys! It's probably because she's sick if she's like this out of no where.
I have a billion cat toys but none of my cats play with them.
Try getting a companion for your cat. It may help keep her more lively.