Army MOS............?

In what MOS would being very strong be most beneficial?


  • air traffic control

  • What are you looking for as far as benefits? Do you want a job that will transfer over to the civilian sector easily, or do you want a job that is strong and beneficial only to when you are in the military? Even with the Infantry, you can gain experience as far as leadership which will be beneficial in the civilian world in the form of management position.

    I joined as a helicopter mechanic but later became a helicopter pilot. It's a great job that has plenty of opportunities on the outside if I decide to remain in that field. Air traffic control is a great job that I would have chosen had I the chance to do it all over again.

    Do your research on each job. Do not walk in to a recruiter and let him talk you into a job that you don't want. Choose something that you actually want and enjoy because it can be difficult to get out of that job once you are in. Good luck!

  • Cavalry Scout. They got lift a lot of heavy crew served weapons.

  • Go though each branch. There you will find MOS descriptions and physical demands ratings.

  • I went to an army recruiter and he offered me an exciting career in plumbing!

    Choose a job that will help you get one should you ever leave the military, such as aircraft engine mechanic.

  • other than the SF MOSs the one i heard is up there is Army diver, Yes! the Army has divers!

  • Infantry. If you do not think so, try hand to hand combat sometime.

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