How many email adresses do you have?

I have over 15 honestly. I play several games such as PSN games which need an email. I've don't through 3 emails there. And runescape I've gown through 10. I have 2 emails left which is one for runescape main and business email. I am truely a nerd at heart. I forgot most of the passwords ..


  • i have 4 that i actually use. one for school. another one bc of my blackberry. another for important information. another one when i sign up for store cards or to access things online.

  • Too many. For years I only had one, which i used to open my Answers account. Then I was advised it was safer to have a separate account for other YA properties but I used that one for all of a week tops. Then technical problems with Yahoo mail necessitated the creation of another Yahoo that also had the same technical problems. :-P So I opened a gmail account. Just recently, I opened yet another Yahoo account due to a new glitch with my original one. BAH!

    So, all together I've got one gmail account used for everything BUT Yahoo properties, and 4 Yahoo emails, of which only the original and the one only a few days old are used, one for Answers and the occasional news comment and the other for the Answers Suggestion Board.

    At least, those are the ones I remember. It's quite possible that there is another floating around somewhere but I've no idea what it is or if it's even viable. Of course, that in no way compares with your collection. LOL But I find it cumbersome to have even two, let alone more than that, especially when I don't use them but they all get spam and the Yahoo ones keep overlapping and conflicting with each other whenever there's a glitch in the mail system.

    Whenever I make a new account, whether it be email, gaming, forum, customer, billing, banks, etc. I log each down in a small notebook...the website, email used, and password. This way I never forget or get confused and in an emergency, my family can close accounts, access contacts, continue to pay bills and view statements, etc.

    I wonder though why you need so many emails to play games. I've always used the same email to sign up at different gaming sites. Doesn't PSN and Runescape allow you to use an existing email address? Just curious as I've never been to PSN and I'd like to try Runescape someday.

  • I have 3

    - one that is only used with close friends and family

    - one that I use to sign up for websites, mailing lists, contests, etc

    - one that I use for online banking and Paypal that I've never given to anyone else

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