REALLY loud speaker system?

i want a really loud speaker systemto plug into my laptop. i want to throw a party and i need a reallly really loud speaker to plug into my laptop to play music. anyone know where i can get one?

haha as if i didnt say this enough.. it needs to be REALLY loud... as loud as possible.... ahaha thanks(:


  • Try these...

    They're cheap and the price even includes a built in amplifier but they sound ok for what they are.


  • Very Loud Speakers

  • Ack, no Bose the others have been sold a bill of goods and they bought it, learn from their mistake and don't make it. Those in the business (home theater and stereo) and audiophiles avoid them like the plague, and I'm both. Speakers that play really loud with reasonable sound quality and reasonable price (not cheap) have been mentioned, Cerwin Vega and Klipch for speakers, they are very efficient hence louder with less power. You could go for concert or club type speakers that are used for public events and concerts. There are many like Pevey. Some of the others like Martin Logan, etc are very good (in fact very very good) but really expensive. For amplification separate components, amp and pre amp, will get you more power than any receiver. Many times you can bi-amplify these speakers and run multiple amplifiers, ha! more power! Stick with a good name brand amp(s) like adcom and others with a high current capability. When it comes to amplifiers weight really does make a difference. If it says it can deliver 300 watts per channel then it should weigh 20 to 40 lbs. That means no Carver amps, good idea, great engineering, but when put to the test, (high volume dances) they just don't cut it for their rated power, clipping, over heating ect, I've been there.

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    Best and loudest home theater? try JBL Sythesis. The prices start at $11,000 and go up from there. You'll also need a dedicated room and a few thousand dollars more for accessories and installation. The other guy that mentioned Krell is also on the right path. Krell makes the Master Reference Subwoofer that at 20Hz can hit 120dB. The only other subs that I know that can accomplish that feat are large, commercial units you might see at a large rock concert. A little known fact: Audio Video systems can cost as little or as much as you can imagine. Just like some people drive a Kia and listen to Bose speakers, some people drive Ferraris and listen to Krell.

  • Computer speakers do not provide you allot of power for what you are looking for. You can connect you laptop audio output to the receiver and then speakers connected to the receiver. This will provide you a loud volume. Keep in mind that most computer speakers only have a 14 watts and receivers are at 50 to 150 watts per channel RAMS. Hope this will help you out.

  • All speakers need to be powered, and computers only have line level output. So you will need ether a amplfier and speakers, or self powered speakers. If volume is your only real goal then you probably want to look at powered PA speakers. These are designed for high volume, but sound quality varies greatly and generally is not great compared to music speakers and a amplifier. But then again most music speakers are not really designed for high volume playback.

    Look at guitar center and there PA or studio speakers might be your best bet.


    40 years hi-end audio video specialist

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    REALLY loud speaker system?

    i want a really loud speaker systemto plug into my laptop. i want to throw a party and i need a reallly really loud speaker to plug into my laptop to play music. anyone know where i can get one?

    haha as if i didnt say this enough.. it needs to be REALLY loud... as loud as possible.... ahaha...

  • How much do you want to spend? What you really need is a pair of powered DJ speakers:

  • look in pc world or any other shop for a very high wat

    answer mine;_ylt=Anz6I...

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