Is Nostradamus really a good Astrologer?

I mean he has written about 1000 poems in coded french language. One cannot understand clearly what he predicts. After occuring of an event we conveniently translate a verse into english and say Nostradamus has predicted this. His predictions are un clear and can be linked to many events. Only 2 or 3 predictions have come a little closer to what happened really. His french is coded badly so that no one understands it. What is the use of such predictions as their meaning will be known after the event has occured? I think they are useless. What is your opinion on this and people who have answered keep checking this question for additional details. Let your feelings out freely.

Count Dracula


  • He was an astrologer, but few hear about how well-or how badly-he did. I read that he did a horoscope for one man and predicted the man's death date. He was only 20 years off. Is that close enough? Not to me! He wrote some specific predictions, e.g. about such hard times in the 18th Century that very few people would be alive then. Wrong again! He is mainly known for the "Centuries", a collection of quatrains in French and Latin. One of them speaks of the 7th month in 1999. Wrong again! Some jerk tried to twist it to mean 9/11/01, not July 1999. What stunning audacity...not to mention crap! One book I have transalates a quatrain as having 66 in it and is said to predict the Great London Fire of 1666. Come on, 66 isn't 1666. I found the original verse. It says "vingt trois les sixes". That is transalated as 3x20+6. That is wrong. It means simply 23 the 6's. Someone thinks it probably comments about Catholic Queen Bloody Mary of England having Protestants burned in groups of 6. Maybe 23 such groups of 6 had been executed when Nostradamus wrote his quatrain. Two quatrains mention Hister, and some say that means Hitler. One quatrain says "Rhine et Hister". The Rhine is a German river, and Hister or Ister is an old name for the Danube. When the two are together, the real meaning is obvious. In most of the quattrains, he seems to've been discussing current events of his time in obscure laguage. Obscurity is often mistaken for profundity, and he was well aware of it. I could comment on more verses, but I think you get the idea. He was a fraud who has been glorified by later frauds.

  • What Nostradamus mentioned may well be interpreted in any way you like. human beings say," Nostradamus had expected this" after something happens, no longer earlier. So draw your own conclusions!

  • well... i've studied in school that he predicted till the 2000 AD and said that the world would end but... ans u c v r in the yr 2006 anyways he predicted that :2 metal planis will crash two towers in the new city,the richest country in asia would be ruled by a guy wid a blue turbun(dr.manmohan sigh) but... all that he predicted was before 2000 ad and even if he predicted stuff before it might have come true!!! u'll never no!;)

  • we cannot said that he is true. The peoples only related the incident or accident towards the Nostradamus and saying that he already predicts that. The real fact is no one should predict the future.

  • I recall watching a documentary on this guy. According to the film he was right on with a lot of the things he predicted. I think it was made for tv. Why don't you do a search and try to get your hands on it and watch it. It was fasinating.

  • I'd say so alot of the things he predicted are coming true....thats seems good enough to me

  • is it, ? wow! thankx fo da info

  • of course he is read about it

  • yes he is.

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