Is no sexual pleasure normal?

I'm 20 yrs old and lost by virginity when i was 19. I've been sexually active a little over a year now. I've had two sexual partners, both of which for an extended period of time. My first sexual encounter was not enjoyable. And every time after wasn't because I wasn't in love with the guy. I just didn't know how to let go. But I do love the guy I'm with now very much. Sex is 100 times better then before, but that's mainly because I enjoy watching him get pleasure. For me, most positions don't work. I don't feel anything. We did discover one position that I could get pleasure from but only for like 3 or 4 thrusts then nothing. I feel the fact that he's inside me but nothing other then that. I have managed to orgasm... but it's not really pleasure either. More like a relief. I know orgasms feel sorta like going to the bathroom. But is that all there is to look forward to? Feeling like you have to go pee? Cause i get that feeling throughout the day and it not that exciting ha ha So my question is, is it normal to feel that intense pleasure for only a few second.. then you're doomed to nothingness? Even if we do that very same position it just wears away. And sometimes I don't even get those seconds.. Also. Is it normal to be able to orgasm even if you don't really feel pleasured? I know it's an orgasm because i tend to.. release body fluids. (NOT PEE, I CHECKED LOL) I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem and if there was anyway to change it. I really hope looking forward to sex isn't just for the first 5 seconds.


Well my clit works just fine.. I get pleasure and I can orgasm lol

I was just wondering about vaginal sex. It just seemed weird how i could feel some pleause then it'd fade.. I do have a sex drive but since that's mainly just for being close to him and making him feel good.

But yeah, I just wanted to make sure it was normal. Sex is made out to be this great satisfying thing and from what I've I've felt as far as physical... it isn't much. Maybe my vagina isn't very sensitive. I know that when I try using ribbed condoms i don't feel a difference. So maybe that's a sign :S


  • I have the same problem like you. I lost my virginity to my boyfriend when I was 23, and still with the same guy, and now I'm 25. During missionary position, after my bf inserts himself in, I feel a stinging pain, then I feel pleasure then I feel pain again. Then I don't feel anything at all. Then I never feel myself climaxing, but then my bf said, wow, Jennifer you came. But never felt myself having an orgasm. Maybe if you do foreplay during intercourse that will help to increase pleasure and make it lasts longer than 5 seconds.

  • Well it's very possible you have a less sensitive vagina and don't get as much out of sex, however what you didn't mention was how clitoral stimulus felt. The woman's clitoris is the most sensitive part and for many woman, orgasm can only be achieved when the clitoris is stimulated. It's hard to do with regular insertion sex although certain positions can help. Does he stimulate you orally? How does that feel?

    You may want to go see your doctor and describe your symptoms, it's possible medicine can increase the arousal of that area, hence increasing pleasure.

    Sex can be much more than a few seconds of "pee relief" lol, there are ways to make it better. Try the clit, then go see your doctor.

  • I am not an expert on sex. Or a woman. But I am old.

    Most likely, you will be able to experience more pleasure in sex when your partner learns to please you. We do not enter into sexual relationships after completing the required courses, like in some things. But it is possible for your partner to take some time to learn how to slowly bring you to orgasm and be able to do this regularly. Even before penetration.

    Some men don't want to take the time to learn. Others will and for them, it will be a fulfilling thing and make the relationship much better. You will have to talk to him about it. Just tell him that the old dude said he needed to go back to school for a while and be a better lover.

    Even taking an hour in foreplay will make things go a lot further.

  • What you're talking about is squirting xD that's a different type of orgasm that not a lot of women have.

    You have to realize that your vag doesn't have a lot of nerve endings in it, especially as you get farther in. Infact, you barely can't feel anything down there! Maybe you should try exploring your own body if you haven't already? A lot of people feel pleasure from stimulating their clits xD try that!

  • I am the same way. I have no drive for sex. The first time was with my husband and it was painful now every time we have sex it burns and stings and I feel sore afterwards.

  • certain medications can do this such as antidepressants etc. Are you taking any? This sounds like you have a low sex drive thats all

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