Why do cons claim 1984 is a book?

Its a movie


@Picador- I don't get it.

I thought it was written in 1984 about what things would be like now.


  • Yeah but they made a book out of it.

  • The movie came out in 1984, but George Orwell wrote the book in 1948. 1948 -1984, get it?

    Edit - Orwell's book was futuristic. How futuristic? Well, reverse the last two digits of the year in which the book written. Had he written it in 1949, the book would have been called 1994. Had he written it in 1950, the book would have had a completely different style of title.

  • Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies, along with all of Michael Moore's documentaries. I wish Obama would be our big brother.

  • That's funny George Orwell was a self described socialist.

  • Where do you think they came up with the idea for the movie?

  • Deep, man.


  • Che Guevara murdered and raped innocent women, it's no wonder he is idolized by liberals......

  • Why are republican trolls so lame.

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