Does Obama deserve the Nobel Prize?

I personally dont. I agree with him on most things, but this is crazy. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YET!


  • If you think he has done nothing then you just haven't been paying attention. The fact that he is willing to talk to all nations and work with them rather than threaten those that think different is a huge change in the way this country has been operating the last eight years. This alone can lead to a more peaceful world. Yes he does deserve the prize and I for one am proud of him and our country.

  • The Nobel committee is free to do whatever they want with their prizes, so it is not my place per se to criticize it.

    The committee itself said the reason for their award was nothing to do with anything he has actually accomplished, but because of his efforts to change international dialogue. Since the submission happened just days after entering office, I suppose they are referring to his campaign rhetoric. personally, I think their decision was based much more on their hope that Obama will be everything Bush was not; accommodating to a socialist position, dedicated to diminishing of American power, and accepting of terrorism as a law enforcement issue only.

    These are simply the facts of the situation.

  • I question the prestigious standing the "Nobel" prize has.

    The founder, Arthur Nobel, as a scientist, invented dynamite, he also was a millionaire resulting from armaments

    Sounds like a great example of a peacemaker to me !

  • I can't answer this because I just THOUGHT about scoring the record number of rushing touchdowns and leading my team into new the "Comrade Bowl" in college football and I am waiting for the NCAA committee announcement that awards me my Heisman Trophy.

  • He even said he didn't. the man's a phony. he's known about the prize since last August. Why do you think he has made all those speeches since getting elected.

  • It just goes to show how dysfunctional the nutjobs on the left think.

  • Its funny they give those things to Americans anyway. Most Americans are warmongers. The peace award should only go to peaceful nations.

  • nope. he hasnt done anything but jack his jaw and blame Bush for the mess created by Clinton

  • You're right. But this topic is now old news.

  • He's done plenty.

    Many Afghani and Pakistani civilians are dead because of him.

    So No... he doesn't deserve it.

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